All I can say is well done!

It is difficult for me to write this blog. Not because it has been a week of great turmoil, but because I am very emotional about the way the children have responded to adversity - you are all stars. In class with Mrs Harrison the children have been wonderful, they have helped her daily with routines and organisation! On Friday, the class took time to reflect on the positives of the week and Ava celebrated the fact that she was playing with different people and strengthening those friendships further. The children have thought too about looking after each other, even though half their class family are at home. The children at home too have had to find new ways of working and I have been very impressed with the work I have received. I have managed to mark all the maths and the diary and Mrs Nel is on the spelling. I can’t wait to mark the character descriptions on Monday - I had a peep and they look great! I have given feedback both written and recorded so use this children to spur you on!

Please forgive me as I haven’t organized images this week - we have been so terribly busy!

Mrs Harrison awarded a certificate in class - this went to Jessica (happy belated birthday and a massive virtual hug). It would only be fair too for Mrs Hotchkiss to award certificates for work at home! This is a very hard decision! I have decided to award a Timmy Tortoise to Clayton! Not only has his online learning been of a very high standard, but he has figured out how to attach pictures to his purple mash email! Well done Clayton and Jessica. I will figure out how to send a digital certificate!

God Bless - please rest and be with family.