‘Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud’ - Maya Angelou

It has been wonderful to have a full classroom again. The children have thoroughly enjoyed seeing friends they have missed and exploring the classroom. We have all had wobbly moments, with things feeling overwhelming and very different to what we have been used to in recent months. I am so proud of the love and compassion the children are showing to one another.

We have had a busy week of playing, exploring and reconnecting. We made our own dance mats with chalk outside and used the instruments to create some cool dance moves, we made colour jigsaws for our friends to solve and had a lovely discussion about our friends and what we like about their characters and personality and what do the do that makes us smile. We have created some lovely artwork, inspired by Year 6, we are going to finish and share on our blog next week.

Enjoy the pictures at the bottom of our blog to see what else we have been busy doing this week!


Let’s Celebrate

Nathan is a Brave Tommy Turtle - For being brave and playing with new friends and trying to use different areas in our classroom. We are so impressed you are having a go, and trying new experiences. Well done Nathan!

Rosa is a Cooperative Rodger Robin - For being a great team player in our class and caring for our resources. You have been a lovely friend this week and shown kindness towards others, especially when they are feeling sad. Well done Rosa!

Important Notices

Water bottles and other belongings - Please ensure all items are clearly labelled ready for Monday.

PE days - Monday (Indoor) and Wednesday (Outdoor).

Home learning - I will send home learning from next Friday. This weekend the children will be incredibly tired, please enjoy fresh air adventures and some early nights ready for another week of growing our brains.

Have a restful weekend

The Reception Team