Up the beanstalk, here we come!

Well the giant excitement has continued this week. We were relieved to return on Monday to find our construction toys had been returned, but we were still confused! Luckily the giant sent us a video message to explain why he needed the bricks. We wrote some wonderful letters to say thank you for returning them. He left us some magic beans in the classroom and we were so excited to plant them so we could visit his castle and help him fix it.

Disaster stuck when Miss Lavelle forgot to put the beans outside. We arrived on Wednesday to find and enormous beanstalk had broken through the roof! We needed to think fast and make a magic spell to shrink ourselves and climb up the beanstalk. We hope you enjoy watching our magic video below!

We enjoyed learning about the different parts of a castle and create our own by painting, drawing or building. Next week we look forward to building a giant castle and labelling it with all the new words we have learnt.


This week we have been inspired by a bit of Dolly Parton! We have ‘put a little love in our hearts’ and been on a mission to spread kindness. We have thought about all the different ways we can use kind hands and kind words. Well done to Myles, Ava, Emilia, Martha, Isaac, Lucia and Fletcher who have been spotted being very kind this week.


Let’s Celebrate

Joseph is a Focused Cooper Crab - For trying hard to follow instructions within our classroom. We are so impressed with your focus, especially during phonics group activities. Well done Joseph!

Anna is an Brave Tommy Turtle - For showing confidence to talk to adults and opening up with new friends. We are so impressed you are having a go, without worrying about making a mistake, especially when writing. Well done Anna!

Important Notices

Reading books - The children thoroughly enjoy sharing their reading books with an adult at school. Please try and spend 5 minutes each evening reading. This will hugely benefit your children!

Thursday own clothes day for winning house - Each week the children can collect learning points for demonstrating any of the qualities of our learning characters. We have been counting the points weekly since all the children returned and the house team awarded the most points overall can come to school wearing their own clothes/house colours on Thursday for the final day of term. Please look out for a text on Wednesday that will inform you which house in Reception has won. Please be aware that the winning house may be different in each class therefore siblings may be different.

Easter holidays - School closes for Easter at the normal times of 3:15pm and 3:30pm on Thursday 1st April.

Have a sunshine filled weekend (hopefully!)

The Reception Team