'Jesus died so we could live'

What a lovely week we have had in Year 5! The children are full of smiles, working hard and facing every challenge that comes their way with great resilience! This week we finally finished our class novel and wow what an ending this was… to say it is emotional is an understatement. The children have connected and engaged so well with this novel, that their empathy and understanding for its characters have really shown through in their discussions and the writing they have produced in response to the text. In Maths this week the children have continued their work on long division, we are nearly getting there, we just need a little bit more practice and it is clear from this that some of us need to much more time on TT Rockstars to get that instant recall on table facts which will in turn help us with our division.

We have been doing lots of drama this week in class. Year 5 started the week with Miss Bassett, continuing their RE work on what brings us true happiness, where they used their acting skills to create their own happiness advert! Then on Tuesday, we followed up on our RHE lessons from last week, looking at how we can stand up to racism and what we need to do if we witness this. The children watched short clips where it gave good advice and then in groups they responded to a scenario. The children all now know the steps they need to take: walk away, stay calm and always tell a responsible adult that can help but never accept this behaviour.

Year 5 this week have also been working on a short video of their depiction of the ‘crucifixion’, as sadly our usual Easter Assemblies will not take place. Each class will be sharing some form of work on the Easter story, centred largely around the theme of ‘hope’. These will be live on each classes homepage next Thursday, and we hope you enjoy taking the time to watch and reflect on Jesus’ journey and the sacrifice he made for each one of us. The children have each worked so hard to produced this, and we are all very proud of them.

Time to Celebrate

This week we celebrated Zac for always being super focused and ready to learn. This week Zac has fully engaged in every lesson, listened brilliantly and shown great enthusiasm, offering all of his thoughts and ideas.

We also celebrated Harvey as a Cooper Crab, for his focus and hard work during RE and Maths for Miss Bassett.


  • School will break up at 3:15 and 3.30 next Thursday.PE DAYS: Tuesday (outdoor) and Friday (indoor).

  • Next Wednesday the children will find out which house gets to wear their own clothes on Thursday- I will send a text out to inform you of this.

  • Lunchtimes with Mr Nay- Tuesday and Thursday

  • Please can we make sure children are reading at home every night where possible.

Finally - Thank you once again to Mark as we post our final film for our Lenten Kindness Challenge!

God bless and have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Hotchkiss, Mrs Nel, Mrs Harrison, Miss Bassett and Mrs Russel