‘Do not think of today’s failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow.’


Our week had an exciting start when a new friend joined our Reception team. Mrs Baker will be with us everyday and the class have welcomed her so nicely!

We’ve seen some fantastic outlooks to learning this week, we are so keen to grow our brains and use our knowledge within our play, it has been an absolute joy to see. Inspired by Sadie Spider, we have not given up when things seem tricky at first! I think this picture sums it up brilliantly. We have supported and been motivated by others in our Reception team.

Our versions of the Three Little Pigs story are coming along wonderfully, this week we thought about what the problem and solution would be in our stories. We had lots of creative ideas! Next week we are going to film our stories so please check reading folders and have a few practices at home this weekend. We are so excited to share the end result with you soon!

We have been eagerly watching our remaining caterpillars this week, hoping that they join their two friends already in cocoons. As the calmness of Friday afternoon hit the classroom, one little caterpillar got very busy indeed. We now have three cocoons! I managed to film a lot of wiggling and jiggling…

Let’s Celebrate

Ellie-Rose is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For trying hard to be cooperative this week when playing with your friends. We have been impressed to see you sharing and helping other children in the class. Well done Ellie-Rose!

Heath is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For working hard with all our Read Write Inc learning this week. We are so impressed with your enthusiasm to take on a challenge to learn and practice new sounds throughout the day. Well done Heath!

Important Notices

Home Learning - The children have all been given their story maps to learn over the weekend. Please check reading folders.

Parent Teacher Sessions - I am very much looking forward to meeting you all virtually next week. Please note the time slots you have chosen do begin automatically so please be ready and waiting. Please see Miss Hornby’s blog for a video explaining how it all works.

Have a wonderful weekend

The Reception Team