Spelling - hyphenated words
Learn these words throughout the week ready for your quiz and dictation next Tuesday.
IXL - This week we have been working on angles and measuring angles. Can you complete the following strands. They are tricky. Can you complete Level 1 and Level 2?
Level 1
K5 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with the same denominator.
Level 2
K12 - Add and subtract mixed number fractions with different denominators.
English - This week we have been writing our own classical fiction stories based on The Wizard of Oz. Thinking about your story, can you design a front cover for your story?
You need to think about the title of the story, the illustrations and including the author.
Think about how you want to format the page; on Powerpoint, Publisher, card/paper or I can set you a to do on Purple Mash…let me know. You can email me your work if you choose to.
I cannot wait to see your creations!