‘After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight.’ Acts 1:9

What a productive week we have had in Reception, so much learning and fun! It was lovely to chat with parents this week to celebrate your child’s achievements so far. You were all so positive and ready to support the next steps in your child’s learning at home, thank you as always for you support.

We have had a very busy week growing our brains. Our fantastic Three Little Pigs stories are filmed and we are looking forward to our red carpet premiere next week! In Maths have been working hard in our small groups to consolidate key skills of composition and comparing. This week in RE we decided to retell the story of the Resurrection, we dug out some costumes and our best shocked faces. The class amazed us with their understanding of the story and their descriptions of the disciples feelings. We hope you enjoy our video below.

Caterpillar update - 4 cocoons and 30 very patient children…we’ll keep you posted!

Let’s Celebrate

Lena is a Determined Sadie Spider -For being so determined especially during Read Write Inc. We are so impressed you are trying to have a go, even when you find the challenge tricky at first. Well done Lena!

Rodnie is a Brave Tommy Turtle - For showing confidence to talk to adults and share you ideas on the carpet. We are so impressed you are having a go, without worrying about making a mistake, especially when writing. Well done Rodnie!

Important Notices

Home Learning - Please check reading folders for this weeks home learning.

Have a great weekend

The Reception Team