'Victory is in having done your best. If you’ve done your best, you’ve won'

What a week…sunshine, strawberries and sports day! I was so proud of the children on sports day they showed determination, resilience, enthusiasm and brilliant teamwork! (We look forward to sharing our whole school sports day video with you soon!) Most importantly we all had such fun.

We have enjoyed getting muddy and planting in our garden this week, we look forward to some beautiful flowers filling our garden with colour. Our strawberries were ready for picking and on Thursday we enjoyed a lovely fruit salad, we added grapes, blueberries and raspberries to our delicious home grown strawberries, what a treat!

The children also enjoy creating a seaside small world as part of our water topic, they should great imagination when creating items we didn’t have by using other things. A Lego lighthouse, wooden plank piers, paint tray rock pools and stickle brick deck chairs (Although, I’m not sure how comfortable they would be!)

Let’s Celebrate

For their Sadie Spider determination, their Roger Robin Cooperation, and their Bobby Bee enthusiasm we have decided to award a class certificate for an awesome sports day. Well done Reception, you make us all very proud.

Important Notices

Home Learning - By the end of this week, the children were all exhausted. Please keep up the reading as usual, enjoy the sunshine and have a rest so we can make the most of our final four weeks together!

Have a fantastic weekend and enjoy our lovely pictures below,

The Reception Team