‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.’

This week has been another busy one here in Reception! Continuing our seaside theme we wrote some fantastic postcards to our friends and family explaining what we did on our trip and also describing what we saw. It was lovely to see some children using previous experiences to inform their writing.

In RHE this week we have had some brilliant class discussions about community. Thinking about what a community is and what makes a strong community. When we started thinking about it we were part of so many different communities, school, football, dancing, family. We discovered we all have one community in common…God’s community, a place were we are always welcome.

During provision, we have been growing our brains through bridge building, investigating and observing ice cubes melting. We also had fun trying to cross Mrs Baker’s pond by showing off our number knowledge. This week we showed a keen interest in the game Connect 4 and so today as a Friday treat we had a Connect 4 tournament. It was a closely fought contest, with Bea and Rodnie making it to the final. Here is a link to play with if you don’t have Connect 4 at home. https://www.cbc.ca/kids/games/all/connect-4

Let’s Celebrate

Alice is Curious Clara Clownfish - For asking interesting questions about new things and thinking of ways to solve a problem whilst playing. We have been impressed by your curiosity towards nature and the observations you have made. Well done Alice!

Lettie is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For spreading your enthusiasm wonderfully around the class! We are so impressed with the ways you have encouraged others to try their best especially when it comes to being helpful and looking after our classroom. Well done Lettie!

Important Notices

Home Learning - Alongside all the brilliant reading you are doing at home, this weekend I would like you to go on a walk and find an unusual object to bring home. I would like you to do an observational drawing of your object. Last week we drew shells and this week we painted sunflowers. The children found this very calming!

Names in belongings - Please ensure all names are in tracksuits and jumpers or cardigans.

Have a restful weekend,

The Reception Team