'What we learn with pleasure, we never forget.' - Alfred Mercier

It has been a magical week here in Reception. We ssstarted our sssuper week with, yes you’ve guess it, a new sound…’sssssss’ and everything sssnowballed from there! We had a great idea to build ourselves a secret den and added stars and sparkly lights. We decided it would be a great place for a snack of scones and strawberry jam, but Danny the Dinosaur had stolen our special snacks and left us some clues to find them. Luckily we found the snacks, and Danny the Dinosaur hiding in the cupboard! Next we decided to make some secret codes for our den we used numbers, colours and shapes so it was tricky to guess. Sssonic yoga was great fun in our secret den and so was throwing pom pom spiders into our sticky spider web! Bonnie and Bella started a great sssupermarket, which we all had fun shopping in. After all this excitement i think were all ready for a good sssnooze!

For ‘sssss’ we had to ‘Slither down the snake’ and for ‘d..d..d’ we had to go ‘Round the dinosaurs back, up his neck and down to his feet’. We have sent some flashcards home in reading folders for you to use at home.

s and d rwi.png

Let’s Celebrate

Well done to Bonnie and Vincent our very own Enthusiastic Bobby Bees!

Bonnie - You have shown great enthusiasm to try new challenges within our classroom and have encouraged others to do the same.

Vincent - You have been very enthusiastic during our PE lessons. You have shared you love and knowledge of the Funnybones story wonderfully with the class!

A big congratulations to our new student council representatives. These two children have a very important job on their hands starting with always setting a brilliant example to others around school. Well done Bella and Jude Cl, we are sure you’ll do a fantastic job.

Important Notices

Family Photos - Thank you to all those who have sent in their pictures, if you haven’t yet, please send no more than three photos with different special family members to start our discussions by Monday. Please email s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

If anyone has mistakenly taken Henry S’s PE tracksuit, please return it on Monday.


Please enjoy the selection of pictures below.

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team