Our week in Year 4 has been full of fascination for flowers. Even though the weather has been dismal, children have made the most of it with their determined attitudes and thirst for learning this week.
It has been a week for Science, starting on Monday with the dissection of a lily, in order to find out all about pollination and reproduction in plants. We even managed to view the pollen under a microscope! Then it was time to learn all about the tricky processes involved, through re-enacting, answering questions from videos and retrieving all this information until we were secure. Finally, children have blown me away with their excellent explanation texts - all about the life cycle of a flowering plant.
In maths this week, we have moved along to place value. Children have been revising their understanding of numbers to 1000 and the values of each digit in a three digit number. Next week - onwards and upwards to larger numbers!
We were rocking in our recorder lessons this week and learned the next note already. We are starting to sound very tuneful - hopefully at home too! Other highlights include dramatising the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours in RE and climbing the ropes and climbing frame this week in PE.
Let’s Celebrate!
This week, A Sadie Spider certificate has gone to Daisy. You always try so hard in everything you do Daisy and you have a drive to do well. Your improvement just in a few weeks is brilliant! A Roger Robin certificate goes to Dominic, for being such a brave boy starting our school and such a friendly one too! A Tommy Turtle certificate goes to Molly-Ann for having such excellent concentration - during reading time, when writing your life cycle and in every subject. Your focus is really paying off and you tackle everything! You should feel very proud.
PE stars this week were: Leon and Harvey for listening well and trying hard.
Music stars this week were: Evan and Millie
French stars this week were: Jay, Lily-Mae and Tabby
Please could all children have a coat each day now as the weather seems set to change! Thanks so much for making sure they have the appropriate PE clothes on PE days. It means we could all access the equipment.
Have a lovely October weekend.
Warmest regards,
Mrs Lyons, Mrs Mather and Miss Woodrow