‘Start each day with a grateful heart.’

It’s hard to believe we have been in school five weeks now, it’s starting to feel as though the children have always been here. The way they enter the classroom and greet each other is beautiful to see, the room is filled with smiles and anticipation every morning! We have had another busy week growing our brains in Reception.

We started our week with some lovely news time, the children drew some brilliant pictures. Each week we are going to add our news to our books, it is a great memory for the children to have.

We are feeling very grateful this week as our new outdoor equipment arrived. The excitement levels were high when the cones and power tools came out, we ended up with a row of chairs at the door for those spectators in it for the long haul! We made a collage of which piece of new equipment we enjoyed playing with most and explained why we love them.

Our afternoons have been focused on building up our Communication and Language skills. This week we have enjoyed playing ‘Hot or cold’, using instruments to get louder quieter when someone is close or far away from a hidden object. We also used a teddy to practice prepositions with Mrs Malley and had a very exciting round of our ‘SPLAT THAT SOUND’ gameshow with Mrs Baker.

t and i rwi.png

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt two new sounds. For ‘t..t..t’ we had to go ‘Down the tower, across the tower’ and for ‘i..i..i’ we had to go ‘Down the body and dot for the head’. We have added these sounds to the flashcard sets. Please make sure flashcards are kept in folders so we can add them every Friday.


Let’s Celebrate

Logan is a Cooperative Roger Robin - You have set a fantastic example during tidy up time by leading your group with such a positive attitude.

Jude is a Determined Sadie Spider - You have taken on new challenges with determination and kept on trying when something did not work first time.

Important Notices

Just waiting for seven children’s family photos to complete our lovely class album - If you haven’t yet, please email no more than three photos with different special family members to s.lavelle@ourladystarofthesea.lancs.sch.uk

Class and individual photos on WEDNESDAY 13th OCTOBER…SCHOOL UNIFORM PLEASE, NO PE KITS!

Please enjoy the selection of pictures below.

Have a brilliant weekend,

The Reception Team