"Do anything, but let it produce joy"

The week has just flown by and once again, we’ve reached Friday in what seems like the blink of an eye! Each day has been jam packed with so much fantastic learning, from English to Geography, Computing and Music - I think there’ll definitely be some tired children in need of a rest this weekend!

In English we have moved onto a bit of non-fiction work. We have been using a range of non-fiction texts and resources to help us to discover lots of facts about wolves. We’ve looked closely at how the text is set out in a non-fiction book and how we can use the contents and index to help us to find specific information. We most definitely now have a class full of wolf experts - I think we could give the professionals at the zoo a run for their money!

In Maths we have continued to develop our place value and number knowledge. We have been busy finding different ways of partitioning numbers and have also looked at how the part whole diagrams and place value charts can help us to do this. The children are also now fantastic at using models and diagrams to help them to create addition number sentences. Well done Year 2 - some tricky concepts have been tackled this week!

During indoor PE we continued to build sequences using jumps and travels. We adapted the sequences created during last week’s PE so that they could be performed using some of the low apparatus. The children were proud of what they achieved in the one hour session and were showing such great control of their movements.

The class were delighted to discover that they were using the glockenspiels during our music lesson this week. Take a look at the photographs below.

Let’s Celebrate

Amelia – I am SO proud of all you have achieved this week.  It has been wonderful to see you brimming with so much self belief and because you have believed in yourself, you have produced some amazing pieces of work!  The amount of maths challenges you have worked through has been unbelievable and your confidence in your writing has soared.  Keep it up Amelia – it’s amazing to see!

Josh, I simply couldn’t be prouder!  You have been such a ‘Tommy Turtle’ this week and have had a go at every challenge thrown your way!  Your focus and determination has been amazing to see and we have all loved hearing your ideas in class.  I think you have even surprised yourself with the work you have produced!  Well done! 


Please read Miss Hornby’s blog for information of parent meetings, school photographs and flu vaccinations!

Have a lovely weekend with your families.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend, Mrs Connolly and Mrs Carter