Year 6 Weekly Blog - "Love one another as I have loved you."


Jesus askes us to love one another as he loved us. This can be so hard to do at times when often we are not feeling loved ourselves. In my worship at the beginning of the week, I asked the children to think about all of the people who they love and how it feels to be loved. Throughout the week, the children have been adding hearts to our worship board every time they have felt love by someone within our classroom. What a lovely sight!

On Wednesday, we had a lovely walk down to mass for the first time in a very long time. To see our parish church and to experience mass with Father Peter again was a very special moment. This is something that we will continue to do each month.

I feel like we are very much into the groove of Year 6 learning now, hitting our daily targets constantly. The pace of learning within the classroom has certainly ramped up. As you can see from the photographs, the children were able to paint their topographic maps of South America this week. They understand why the Andes was formed where it was and have linked this to prior knowledge all about volcanoes.

Decimals and measures has continued to be our focus in maths. We have been looking at recipes and word problems - enjoy the baking homework set for this week! I cannot wait to see the photos.

The Nowhere Emporium is certainly full of twists and turns, there are so many questions that we need answering. I have asked the children to really think from Daniel’s perspective this week. We have looked at his thoughts and feelings during key events in the plot. Towards the end of the week, the children used this information to write diary entries. I am looking forward to reading them all.

As always our most thought provoking discussion comes in our RHE lessons. World poverty is such an important conversation to have, especially when half of the world’s population lives in poverty. I have tasked the children to think of ways that we can help.

Every Friday, the children are very lucky to have their music lesson taught by our in house music specialist, Miss Woodend. Over the last few weeks, the children have been learning about different styles of music and today was all about performing!

Sit back and enjoy the video of the children in music today.

Sport in school

It was wonderful to see after-school sport start again this week. The children had a lot of fun taking part in some unusual sports and some Paralympic ones too. I heard a ball and bells and saw a mask!

Just a reminder about verrucas. If your child has a verruca and they cannot take their shoes off, firstly, please can you contact me to let me know. They will need to wear either a verruca sock that is non slip or a pair of trampolining socks that have the grip on the bottom. They will not be allowed to wear trainers.

Leading Learning

I have been on the look our for acts of kindness this week. Pure love and kindness has been shown in abundance this week. It definitely makes our classroom a happier and a richer place for it. Thank you to Emma and Megan. There have been so many times this week when you have gone out of your way to help someone in class. Thank you for all that you do!

Applying to high school

Just a reminder that the deadline is 31st October 2021. Please click on the link below to take you to the LCC website to apply.

If you are applying for your child to attend St Bedes, there will be an additional form to complete as well. This form is the faith form. We will receive these in school and I will send them home as soon as they come in.

If anybody has any questions about the process, please do get in touch and I will help in any way that I can.


All children need to have an art shirt in school for their lessons on a Friday. Please can these be brought in on Monday. We will be doing some of our own art in class next week.

Please do visit Miss Hornby’s blog for important information about school photographs, flu vaccinations and Parents’ Day appointments.

Have a wonderful weekend with your family. Hopefully the sun will shine.

Mrs Gregan and the Year 6 team