"Bring sunshine into the place you enter"

The children have definitely brought the sunshine into the classroom this week. Time has flown by and here we are with only two days of learning left before the half term holidays! Even with a few sniffles and splutters and some very tired brains, the children have continued to work as hard as ever in order to achieve those half term targets.

We brought our focus story ‘the way home for wolf’ to an end this week. We had a class of Creative Kiki chameleons on Monday and Tuesday as they got busy innovating the original story with their own ideas of arctic animals, adjectives and verbs. The children spent time telling their stories to each other before writing them independently yesterday morning. We had some very tired fingers and hands, but my goodness, what super writing was produced. I can’t wait to sit down and read all of the stories over the weekend and to see what the children have already achieved in their first half term in Year 2.

The children were very excited when they came into class on Thursday morning to see that Science was on the timetable and that we will be completing lots of exciting learning before we break up for the holidays on Tuesday. We started by learning all about animal offspring and discovered that some offspring look very similar to the adult animals but some don’t. We also learnt that some animals are born alive and some are eggs when they’re first born. This then led to a conversation all about metamorphosis. Finally we looked at the life cycles of different animals which the children enjoyed creating with their bodies. Have a look at the photographs below. I wonder if you can guess the life cycle?


In HRSE lessons we have continued to think about our bodies and what we can do in order to keep them clean, healthy and safe so that we can keep doing the things that we enjoy doing with our bodies everyday.

Let’s Celebrate

Hudson, what an absolute super star you have been this week!  You have shown so much focus in every lesson and have shared so many wonderful ideas with the class.  You have tried hard to use your whole body listener body to help you to focus and have managed any distractions around you fantastically.  You should feel so proud of yourself Hudson – well done! 

You were such a Creative Kiki Chameleon whilst writing your ‘the way home for wolf’ story this week Sean!  You used a brilliant range of adjectives and verbs and kept checking back at your story map to ensure that you didn’t miss any bits out.  You also read through your writing really carefully when you had finished and improved with your purple editing pencil.  Great work Sean!


Trip to Imagine That! - The children were all very excited to hear that on Thursday 25th November we will be going on a trip to Imagine That! science and discovery centre in Liverpool. During the day we will be carrying out a range of science investigations and experiments which will encourage us to use our working scientifically brains. Hopefully, it will ignite our inner scientists and we can bring the enthusiasm and passion into our classroom science lessons. The cost of the trip is £20. This covers the activities led by a specialist at the centre and also the cost of the coach to and from Liverpool. This is to be paid via Parent Pay. I will give more details regarding the trip closer to the time.

Well done HARCOURT. You were awarded the most learning points this term and can come to school wearing your house colours/own clothes on Tuesday 19th October.

I am looking forward to meeting with you virtually, next Thursday. I kindly ask that during our dedicated time slot, your child is not present for the meeting. This allows for open, parent-teacher conversation. Thank you for your support with this.

School closes for the half term holidays at the normal times of 3:10pm and 3:20pm on Tuesday 19th October. We are back at school on Monday 1st November.

You may remember that a month or so ago, I placed a letter on the blog explaining all about our HRSE curriculum in school and stated that Year 2 will be starting the KidSafe HRSE programme after the Christmas holidays. However, due to having such a great impact on the children in Year 5 who started it this term, we have decided as a school that each class will deliver the sessions after the half term holidays. Please take time to read the information in the attached letter.

Have a wonderful weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team