Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'We are not a team because we work together, we are a team because we respect, care and trust each other.'

It is hard to believe that we are at the end of our first half term together. I remember saying to the children at the start of September that time really does fly…it most certainly does. When I reflect on the growth of the class in these first 8 weeks, I am astounded. The children are exceptional leaders, fierce supporters of each other and they are determined to be the very best versions of themselves. They are indeed learned and wise. We have fostered a real sense of community within the classroom. Each and every week, the children have worked alongside a different learning partner, chosen at random. The respect, cooperation and care that they have demonstrated has been extraordinary. I think a few adults would most definitely learn a thing or two from them.

Alongside growing together as a community of leaders, they have also become excellent learners. I cannot begin to tell you how much work the children have completed this half term! In fact, we have nearly filled a whole english book with our reading responses and writing skills. The children have risen and are continuing to rise to the challenges brought to them every single day. They are realising just what they are capable of and that they are masters of their own destiny. I cannot wait to see what next half term brings.

This week has been a writing week and thank goodness the children enjoy writing. Every day they have written a new chapter of their stories based upon The Nowhere Emporium. I have a serious stash of marking to do over half term, and I cannot wait! Having marked the first two chapters, the children are combining all of the skills that we have been looking at in grammar as well as stylistic features that we have discovered in the book.

For the final two days next week, we turn our attention to science and computing. We will be spending 2 days bringing our South American topic to a close by making interactive books, as well as electricians in our short Electricity unit of work. A great way to close our first half term together.

Leading Learning

At the end of each half term, I ask the children to vote for who should receive the certificates. It is important that they recognise qualities in each other as well as in themselves. This half term, I asked them to think about two people who have started Year 6 with positivity, hard work and kindness. People who have shown great leadership. So many of the class were voted for but our two LEARNERS OF THE HALF TERM ARE:

JESSICA AND FIN. Both of these children have settled into life in Year 6 really well. They are full of compassion, kindness and always tackle everything with 100%. The children really said some lovely things about them.

Well done to you both. Thank you for being such leading learners and role models this half term.

Water Parks

I have had many a question from children and parents about the residential for this year. During half term I am going to make a video about it all so that you have as much information as possible. Please do not worry, it is all in hand. The video will be shared after the half term.


  • School finishes at normal time for the children on Tuesday 3.10pm and 3.20pm. We look forward to welcoming them back on Monday 1st November.

  • I am looking forward to seeing you at Parents’ Day on Thursday. Please check that School Cloud works before the meeting so that we are ready to go.

  • High school applications must be completed before 31st October. There are still 10 families who have not applied. Please make sure this is done before half term so that I don’t have sleepless nights worrying whilst we are away from school.

Have a wonderful weekend with your families. Thank you to you all for being conscientious this half term, your children are a credit to you all.

God Bless

Mrs Gregan