We have all fallen in love with Charlotte’s Web - our novel, this week. What a super text it is for exploring different dilemmas and themes like loneliness, justice and friendship.
This week we have been starting to examine the theme of friendship and what truly makes a good friend. Following our work about anger last week, we have also been reflecting on what to do AFTER you have calmed down from a conflicting situation. How do we solve our problems peacefully? Children have been learning to use ‘I statements,’ to explain what bothers them and why, how they feel and what they need. They then have to remember to listen to others’ ‘I statements,’ to understand their feelings too.
We have loved finding out all about trade this week in Geography, through our topic about plants around the world. Children discovered which foods and drinks we import and export by using a climate zone map to locate countries where different foods grow.
In RE we have pulled together our understanding of the Old Testament stories of prophets David, Moses, Joseph and Abraham. Children have looked at what we can learn from them about God and about how we should react to God like them.
In maths we have been very busy grappling with a deeper understanding of 4 digit numbers this week. Here are some photos of the children in action!
Let’s Celebrate!
This week our certificate winners were as follows:
A Kiki Chameleon certificate went to Millie for working so hard and putting considerable thought into all she does.
A Bobby Bee certificate went to Christian for loving his learning - especially his reading and growing so much in self-belief these last few weeks.
Two Sadie Spider certificates were also given to Betsy and Iris who always try so hard and join in with all class learning.
PE stars this week were Leo and Stanley for some excellent tactics in our basketball game and also creative gym balances on equipment.
Music stars this week were Tabby and Owen.
French star was Matilda.
We break up on Tuesday next week at normal time. HARCOURT house have won the house point competition so can come in their house colours on Tuesday.
I look forward to chatting to you on Thursday next week for Parent meetings. Please be prompt so we can have our allocated time together.
HRSE - the letter below explains what HRSE is in primary school and also gives notice of an exciting new approach to keeping kids safe - KidSafe. These lessons will now begin in Year 4 after the half term. Each Friday a letter will go out explaining what safety aspect has been explored.