"Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom" James Allen

Over the past half term in music, Mrs Mallinson has used Buddhist mediation music to inspire us to perform and compose our own music. This culminated in a final whole class composition. I Like to call it - “calm”. The children brought together what they had learnt. Be assured too that all the children performed and worked on all the instruments - this was our best film!

Other highlights of the week included the composition of a letter to Mark Menzies (MP) appealing to him to act over climate change. This was followed by the writing of our final independent legend “The Girl and the Fox”. Not only this but we are ready to write an historical recount of the Battle or Marathon. On Wednesday we cleared all the chairs and tables in class and reenacted this famous Athenian victory (fun!). We have really moved on in rugby introducing our tags and dodging like our lives depended on it. Our novel progressed as we were introduced to our main character- Antigone. Art continues to be a highlight of the week and we have really grasped those one hundredths now! Finally we completed an evaluation of our Kids safe lessons so far and I have given the children their certificate - however I do have one more aspect to cover on Monday and I will link you in to explain what was covered as always. We ran out of time today after a very intelligent and open class council - thank you Year 5


Our Growth mindset certificates went to Kai and Olivia this week - well done!!!

Dinner time Awards went to India and Grace (have have the certificates in class sorry)

We all received a certificate too for our work on the Kids Safe program which we completed today. All the messages taught will now be reinforced throughout the year.

Today we all received our Eco- council badges. We will be holding meetings monthly and of course taking action!!

Important notice

Please read Miss Hornby’s news letter - there has been a need to address the children’s safety in relation to shared information about “Squid Games”. Please be assured if I need to speak to you individually on the matter I will phone. We have briefly discussed the certificate rating of the program and that any use of language related to the program is not appropriate.

Thank you - have a lovely weekend

The whole Year 5 team