Year 3 15.10.21 ‘Prayer is not asking. Prayer is putting oneself in the hands of God, and His disposition, and listening to His voice in the depths of our hearts’ Mother Teresa

It is most definitely beginning to feel more like Autumn this week … the weather is feeling a little chillier and the mornings and evenings are closing in, but Year 3 are still bouncing in to the classroom, full of curiosity and enthusiasm for their learning.

We have had great excitement in Year 3 this week, as 4 children's have reached 100% of their reading target and are now in pride of place, at the top of our sunflower. They have worked so hard to get there, reading every night, focusing on their quizzes and challenging themselves with the books they read. Now, they will receive their new, slightly more challenging targets, which I know they will be just as eager to reach as their first target. After half term I know there will be even more children close, if not reaching 100%, so keep up with the good work Year 3! It is so wonderful, to hear the cheers and the joy that each person feels when one of their friends have reached their target.

Year 3 Learning this week …

In HRSE this week, over the five days, the children have listened, discussed, reflected and responded to the gospel story when Jesus heals Jairus’ daughter. They have reflected so deeply towards this, as we have looked at how Jairus would have been feeling and why he chose to turn to Jesus to ask for help. From this, Year 3 decided that it showed the need to pray and ask for God’s help and that, when you turn to God, you are never bothering him, as God created us out of love and for love. We spoke about how our relationship with God strengthens through pray and worship and how our faith in God is important in times of need. We were so proud of the way the children reflected so deeply during these sessions. We have also spent time thinking about our Baptisms during our RE learning, it was lovely to share this special moment with one another!

This week in English, children received feedback to last week’s writing, where they looked at their achievements and reflected on the areas they wanted to improve, through their editing using their purple pencil. We also started our very own spelling logs this week, which they will keep in their pencil cases and use in every lesson. They decided themselves, that they would use these to record spellings that they frequently spell incorrectly and to practice spellings they find tricky. Some have filled their first page already, which is wonderful to see. We then had a go at writing our own fable, based on the structure of ‘the lion and the mouse’, children chose their own animals to replace these characters, and were very creative with their choices, why not ask them what animals they chose. In Maths, we have continued to break down number up to 1,000 using counters, comparing numbers using the greater than or less than sign and have now moved on to number lines, where children have to sequence numbers and find the missing integers, which has challenged many of us!

Let’s Celebrate!

An enthusiastic Bobby bee Erin: You are an absolute delight Erin! Your enthusiasm is infectious and this alongside your fantastic focus is helping you to soak up our learning and grasp new concepts quickly. We have been so impressed with your confidence, particularly when spotting angles and right angles. You are also such a supportive and friendly member of our class, making you such a brilliant learning partner. Well done Erin, you should be so proud of your hard work!

A focused Cooper crab Niamh: A huge well done to you Niamh! You try so hard within each lesson. Your concentration is just wonderful and you manage your distractions so that you are able to focus on your learning. You make an excellent learning partner,  helping those around you by sharing your ideas and helping them when they ask for your support. You are a joy to teach Niamh, we look forward to watching you grow this year. Keep up the brilliant, we are so proud of you!


  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog- homework needs to be handed in and completed by Thursday 4th November.

  • We are so looking forward to meeting with you virtually, next Thursday. I kindly ask that during our dedicated time slot, your child is not present for the meeting. This allows for open, parent-teacher conversation. Thank you for your support with this.

  • Please don’t forget to read the information about the school trip on 8th November.

  • Please could we ask that over half term that you check all items of clothing are clearly labelled and that you have the correct PE jackets/ jumpers at home, it seems that children are mixing them up and taking wrong ones home and it can be very difficult to track! Many thanks.