‘Crunching, crinkling autumn leaves, spiraling and swirling in the breeze.’

The mornings have been a little darker this week but the children have loved exploring our autumnal school grounds. We went on an Autumn treasure hunt and spotted lots of signs of Autumn, using our five senses. We have also spent time this week, reading the amazing animal fact files, the children completed for their home learning. I am so impressed with their research and application of their scientific knowledge. Thank you for supporting them with this learning challenge.

What have we been learning this week?

In Maths this week, the children have had lots of practise using number lines and identifying missing numbers in a sequence. They then had a go at a Lizzie Ladybird Challenge, showing how much their efforts had paid off this half term, growing their maths brains. I look forward to sharing mini maths targets with you next week.

In English the children have finished writing the original Supertato story and have now innovated the story with their own vegetable hero and villains. The children were so focused on their writing that the Quiet Critters came to sit with them.



Co-operative Roger Robin: For being a little ray of sunshine! Isaac, you enter the classroom each day, ready to brighten up someone else’s day. You love to make others smile and all week I have watched you spreading joy with your kind words and actions. Isaac, thank you for making our classroom such a happy place to learn and grow together.

Focused Cooper Crab: For being a super focused writer. Ellie-Rose, you have blown me away this week, with your incredible writing. You have been amazing at managing your distractions and getting all of your writing done. You’ve even written it in your neatest handwriting! Keep pinching those crab claws Ellie-Rose and focusing!


  • HARCOURT, are this half-terms house point winners! Harcourt children are invited to wear their blue, on Tuesday 19th October, to celebrate this achievement.

  • Details of this weeks Home Learning can be found on the Home Learning Blog.

  • I am so looking forward to meeting with you virtually, next Thursday. I kindly ask that during our dedicated time slot, your child is not present for the meeting. This allows for open, parent-teacher conversation. Thank you for your support with this.

  • Please can you check that your child has the correct PE kit over the weekend. We’ve got some runaway jackets!

  • You may remember that a month or so ago, I placed a letter on the blog explaining all about our HRSE curriculum in school and stated that Year 1 will be starting the Kidsafe HRSE programme after the Christmas holidays. However, due to having such a great impact on the children in Year 5 who started it this term, we have decided as a school that each class will deliver the sessions after the half term holidays. Please take time to read the information in the attached letter.

God Bless and have a wonderful half-term break,

Miss Lane and the Year 1 Team