Year 1 Home Learning 15.10.21 and over Half Term

Spellings on Purple Mash

The children’s spellings this week have been set for them to practise on Purple Mash. This weeks spellings have the ie diagraph and the i-e split diagraph. The children will be quizzed (on paper) on five of the spellings below on Thursday (when we return), plus a bonus spelling from the previous week .

lie tie pie cried tried five ride like time side

Autumn Detectives

In Science, we have been learning about Autumn and the changes this season brings. The children have been using their senses to explore these changes and even using adjectives such as crunchy and golden. Over Half Term, I have challenged the children to get out and about on an Autumn walk. They have each got an Autumn Treasure Hunt, to guide their exploration. After their walk, it would be wonderful if the children could reflect on their findings and write an Autumn Poem, made up of sentences, using their senses. I hope this is an activity you can all enjoy as a family. Please note there is no need for their poem to rhyme.

Both worksheets can be found inside your child’s Home Learning Book. I kindly ask that you stick these in. Thank you!

autumn checklist.PNG

Purple Mash and IXL logins can be found in the back of your child’s reading log.