‘What we learn becomes part of who we are.’

Wow, what a busy week of growing our brains! Looking back on this half term, I feel so proud of what the children have achieved so far on their Reception journey. Everyday the children come into school with such enthusiasm and a readiness to learn and explore.

As you can see in our floorbook below, we have had so much fun getting to know number 1,2 and 3 this week. We have been ‘Subitising Superheroes’, remembering out motto… ‘Don’t count, you can see amounts!’ We found groups of 3 objects around the room, made 3 in different ways using our fingers and today we found groups of two and three within larger groups. Our favourite activity this week was subitising bingo, we worked so well together and took turns to be the bingo caller.

Our afternoons have been full of excitement, we followed instructions to understand a new game using our parachute and we played ‘musical sounds’ using the eight sounds we have learnt so far. We ended our week with a fun Friday sing-a-long, ‘Down in the jungle’, ‘On top of spaghetti’ and the ‘Hokey Cokey’ were just a few of the songs we enjoyed together.


In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt two new sounds. For ‘nnnn’ we had to go ‘Down Nobby and over the net’ and for ‘p..p..p’ we had to go ‘Down the plait and over the pirate’s face’.

We have added these sounds to the flashcard sets. Please what the video below for important sound pronunciation information!

n and p.png

Let’s Celebrate

Freddie is a Brave Tommy Turtle - For showing confidence to talk to adults and share you ideas on the carpet and during play. We are so impressed you are having a go, and trying new experiences. Well done Freddie!

Danny is an enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For spreading your enthusiasm wonderfully around the class! We are so impressed with your attitude towards getting the job done and always being helpful in the classroom. Well done Danny!

Important Notices

Own clothes day for HARCOURT - They are this half-terms house point winners! Harcourt children are invited to wear their blue, on Tuesday 19th October, to celebrate this achievement.

Parent Meetings - I look forward to meeting with you virtually next Thursday. I kindly ask that during our dedicated time slot, your child is not present for the meeting. This allows for open, parent-teacher conversation. Thank you for your support with this.

Half term - School closes for the half term at the normal times of 3:10pm and 3:20pm on Tuesday 19th October. We are back at school on Monday 1st November.

Please enjoy the selection of pictures below.

Have a great weekend,

The Reception Team