Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in early TUESDAY our final day of term


Dear parents I have spent time this week sharing with your child their reading target progress. A number of children have reached their target through perseverance and enjoyment. Other children have realised that their focus needs to be on one novel at a time and others realise that they are not giving reading enough time to reach the target that matches their reading age assessment. With this understanding the children have a new determination to go for it! I will not be changing the targets until we return after half term so we still have time.


We have been rocking those decimal fractions in class - there is not much work in our books as we explore this concept through models (model after model after model). The children have done really well - we are now ready to tackle section DD on IXL - Please complete DD1, DD2 and DD3.


We have studied the Battle of Marathon in class. In addition we are writing a report for a history book all about this amazing Athenian victory. I would like you to design a vase that commemorated this battle. The Greeks would have been very proud - art work of this victory has been found. Think carefully about what the soldiers were wearing -research- make sure your figures are really accurate. Now recreate a scene on the blank vase in your book. Remember to to select patterns for the top and bottom of your design.

Less homework this week as it is a short week - I’ll set spellings reading and maths over the holidays.

Thank you your continued support and hard work is really appreciated.