Year 3 Home Learning 15.10.21

For this homework you will have much longer to complete, as you will also have over half term. Homework will need to be handed in on Thursday 4th November. Please make sure you keep all of your learning ticking over throughout the holidays. Keep up with the reading, as you are all doing so well and make sure you are going on TT Rockstars!


You are doing so well with your reading, keep reading and quizzing over the holidays- will you reach your target?


This week we are looking at adding the suffix ‘ing’ to the end of words. Some words don’t need to change before adding ‘ing’ but some do.

If a verb ends in a short vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u) plus a consonant. We have to double the consonant before adding ‘ing’

“double the consonant before adding ‘ing

Here are this weeks spellings:

  1. put - putting

  2. stop - stopping

  3. jog - jogging

  4. step - stepping

  5. chat - chatting

  6. begin - beginning

  7. slip - slipping

  8. shop - shopping

Please also remember to practise this half terms spellings. You will find these in the front of your homework book.


Please complete the IXL strands A8- Number Lines up to 100 and A11- Number Line up to 1000.

Keep going with your TT Rockstars!


Before half term we will have looked at Stonehenge and thoughts about when and why this was built during the Stone Age. You may want to complete this piece once we have looked in to it further next week. Please complete the Purple Mash information sheet on the ‘stone circles’, writing about what they are, when they were built and why you think it was built. Would be great to get these up on display once we are back in school. You may want to use the following websites to help you:

Can you also have a go at the quiz on the Stone Age- it is a little tricky so do not worry if you make mistakes it is all part of the process. We will be discussing the answers and doing a little memory game on the questions when we get back to school.