"What we learn with pleasure, we never forget!"

It’s been another busy week here in Year 2 and once again, we’ve reached Friday in what feels like the blink of an eye!

At the beginning of the week the children were so excited to hear that we were getting even more of the apparatus out for our gymnastics lesson! After discussing how to keep ourselves safe whilst using the equipment, it was time for the children to have fun! They absolutely loved climbing, jumping, swinging and travelling as they adapted their learnt sequences from last week and performed them in a variety of different ways. You can see from the photographs below just how much fun was had by all!

In maths we have continued developing our addition and subtraction skills and are now beginning to work with 2 digit numbers. It’s been amazing to see the children using the range of mathematical equipment that we have in class to help them and many are beginning to develop their mental strategies too.

The children had their second KidSafe lesson in HRSE this week which was all about bullying. Once again, the children shared so many important and thought provoking ideas which certainly made us all question and think! It was wonderful to see such trust in the room during this lesson as the children spoke so openly about their own experiences and feelings. Please read the letter below to find about more about our session.

It’s been such a brilliant week - thank you children!

Let’s Celebrate

Rose, you are always such a ‘Co-operative Roger Robin’ in our classroom!  Each week we change learning partners and every time you show just what a great partner you make by helping them to focus and by valuing their thoughts and ideas.  Nothing is ever too much trouble for you Rose and you always take everything in your stride!  Well done! 

You have been such a brave learner in our PE sessions this week Grace.  During both our gymnastics and our outdoor games session, you have thrown yourself into the challenges and have pushed yourself to have a go at things which have taken you out of your comfort zone.  It has been wonderful to see you jumping with such enthusiasm from the gymnastics equipment and being such a valued member of the team during games.  I’m so proud of you! 


Please see last week’s blog for information regarding next week’s trip. Don’t forget that the gate on St Patrick’s road will be opening at the earlier time of 8:30am and we should be back at school no later than 3:30pm.

Just a reminder about reporting illness. If your child is unwell you should inform school directly through the Attendance page on the Discover page. I kindly ask that you always let the office know via the online form; I don’t always get the time in the morning to pass on messages sent to me to the office. Thank you!

I hope you manage to find time to re-energise and recuperate over the weekend.
God Bless,
Miss Woodend and the rest of the Year 2 team