Oh no! I can’t stand this!

It’s been another busy week here in Reception, full of questions, excitement and fun. In RE this week we have been thinking about all the gifts God gave us and how we can use them to show people we love them. It was brilliant to see all of us had such different gifts, it reminded us we are all unique and precious in God’s eyes. We have certainly used our gifts this week!

We started our week by reading ‘Peace at Last’ and made a story map to help us retell the story. Lots of us enjoyed using Miss Lavelle’s pointer to be the teacher. On Wednesday we were enjoying a lovely snack when Miss Hornby arrived with a letter addressed to Reception. We had lots of ideas of who might have sent us a letter, but when we started to ready it we knew straight away. Someone who couldn’t sleep because of Mrs Bear snoring…it was MR BEAR!

As you can see in the letter below, he explained he had try to sleep in different places all around school but it was too noisy! Luckily our nice calm classroom was peaceful enough for a snooze. We decided we had to find Mr Bear. We went on a hunt around school to all the places Mr Bear had been, he was nowhere to be seen but when we stopped to listen we could understand why he couldn’t sleep, we heard the phone ringing in the office, music in the hall, cars and Mr Nay’s whistle outside and the flush in the toilet! We have been busy making cameras to try and catch Mr Bear in our classroom, we’ll see if he comes back for another snooze this weekend!

Finally we innovated our story map by change where Mr bear went and What he heard, we look forward to sharing a video of this with you on next week’s blog.

In Maths we have been using positional language to describe patterns of 4. We worked in pairs to make patterns showing 4 using cubes. We talked about what was the same and different in each pattern. Most importantly we discovered that whichever way our objects were arranged the total was still 4!

In Read Write Inc this week we have learnt two new sounds and had more fun segmenting and blending words orally.

For ‘fffff’ we go ‘down the stem, and draw the leaves’.

For ‘e..e..e’ we go ‘lift off the top and scoop out the egg’.

We have added these sounds to the flashcard sets.

Let’s Celebrate

Jack is an Enthusiastic Bobby Bee - For being so enthusiastic about our story ‘Peace at Last’ this week. You had fantastic ideas about the sounds Mr Bear heard when he came to sleep in our school. Your story retelling was fantastic and inspired others to have a go! Well done Jack!!

Elsie is a Co-operative Roger Robin - For always working cooperatively with your friends. We have been impressed to see you setting a great example of sharing and helping other children. Well done Elsie!

Important Notices

Kidsafe - Today we have had our first Kidsafe lesson, we met KS and talked all about trust. Please click on the button to read a letter explaining more.