Year 3 blog 19.11.21- ‘Give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind and of the imagination’

We have had a very special visitor who has come to stay in our classroom this week … Flame (our class pet dragon). Please do not be alarmed though, he is an extremely friendly dragon, who loves to be tickled under the chin and does not like loud noises. The children have loved welcoming Flame and every morning have enjoyed seeing which position in the classroom he has put himself next. There has been a real buzz of learning in Year 3 this week as we have started our new English topic on dragons. We have been reading all about them, been on a dragon hunt collecting evidence of dragon activity, hot seated those who have claimed to have had a sighting of a dragon and even written our own diary entry of our very own dragon sighting- I have never seen the children so quite and focused on their writing!

We have loved seeing all the children’s creative homework tasks of building stone age shelters, Stonehenge circles and we have had many lovely pieces of writing in their homework books and may information pages. See if you can spot below one of our children’s work who has actually been to Stonehenge and wrote a fantastic information page and in her words ‘didn’t even need to research it!’, what an incredible experience! We are very impressed with the amount of effort you have put in to your home learning this week, thank you. We thought we would share with you a few of the children’s creations that have been sent in …

Year 3 Learning this week …

What a week we have had for learning… every week the children impress us just how hard they work! This week, as mentioned above, we have started to look at non-chronological reports based around dragons. This week we have a looked at a number of reports and have started collecting the main features of this type of text. We can’t wait for next week when we start to learn a report of by heart, based around a type of dragon that you may have heard about … The Manchester Ridgeback.

In Maths this week, we have been counting in steps of 50, adding one, ten and a hundred more than a number and now we are comparing numbers, looking at what makes a number greater than or less than.

This week we had our for Kidsafe lesson and met another new addition to the class (KS), our very own monkey friend, who came to teach us all about ‘yukky feelings’. These feelings, are the ones we get when we feel sad, scared or worried and we talked about how when we feel like this, it is our bodies way of telling us that we can’t ignore them and we must find a trusted adult to help us. I am sure you will agree this is such a valuable lesson to teach our children and over the next coming weeks we will continue to explore and build on these vital lessons. Please read the following letter for this week lesson, to give you more information as to what has been taught and how you could continue to use the same vocabulary and teachings at home.

Let’s Celebrate!

A determined learner : Rose

Well done Rose! You have been trying SO hard within each and every lesson this week. We love hearing your ideas and seeing your enthusiasm bubble as you grasp a new skill or reflect on your work knowing that you’ve tried your best. You have also shown such care towards your work, focusing  carefully on your handwriting to make sure your work is super neat.

A determined learner : Roseanna

We are overjoyed to see your confidence rise this week! You have really pushed yourself in all lessons and have achieved so much as a result. From creating a beautiful dance in PE, to gaining confidence in maths when adding and taking 10,000. We are so proud of you!

Keep up with the great work girls!


WELLIES… If you can please make sure they are sent in, ready to be hung on their peg. We are going to start using the field next week.

Reading… children are doing so well with their reading, so thank you for reading with them at home. Please know, that children are able to also still quiz at home. There are some children not quizzing as regularly as we would like, let’s get them to the top of the class sunflower and hitting their target!