Year 3 Home Learning 19.11.21


This week’s strategy is called ‘Rainbow Writing’ …

Write the word in a different colours several times. 

(Use sharp coloured pencil crayons rather than felt tips if you can)

Our spellings this week are from our Year 3 focus words:

  1. busy

  2. address

  3. breathe

  4. breath

  5. believe

  6. actually

  7. although

  8. answer

Maths IXL:

Please complete B.2 - ‘comparing numbers up to 1,000’


This week we have started our exciting English topic based around dragons. We have been reading all about them and even met one that lives within our classroom, but what we want to know is… what image do you have in your head when you think of a dragon? Can you design, draw and describe your own dragon. You will find the following sheet in your homework books to help you.

Please can you draw, label and write a short description of your very own dragon.