Year 3 blog 26.11.21 'No act of kindness however small, is ever wasted'

This week we have taken our dragon spotting and learning to another level… It has been all about a particular species of dragon this week, ‘the Manchester Ridge-back’. Year 3 have been pulling a part the text that gives more information on this dragon, we have learnt many new words within this text and have been adding lots of great descriptive words to our dragon display (the children like to call this vocabulary ‘Dragonese’). We have now started to learn this text off by heart and they now should be experts at the first two paragraph, why don’t you ask them to show you over the weekend and see if they can remember the actions. We are continuing with the next two paragraphs next week. This is a great way for the children to learn the structure of non- chronological texts before they write, but also helps them to learn new vocabulary and a chance to hear how different structures can be used within their writing. I particularly love the part where they use the connective ‘however’ and ‘especially’!

Year 3 Learning this week …

This week has been another great week for homework! The children have done a great job describing their dragons and drawing a picture, which is great preparation for when they come to write their own report on their dragon for homework. The more effort the children have put in to this, the clearer picture they will have in their heads and the easier they will find writing it! I can’t wait to see the results.

In English, on top of learning our non-chronological report the lessons have been heavily centred around their grammar. They have learnt what a main clause is and what it consists of, have identified these clauses within sentences and have wrote their own based around different types of dragons of course! The children have then moved on to linking these main clauses with coordinating conjunctions to make compound sentences, before we move on next week to creating more complex sentences. They have done exceptionally well with this!

In Maths children are continuing to identify the different types of angles and have been comparing large numbers using the greater than and less than sign, reasoning and problem solving a long the way.

This week we made sure we put on our hats, scarves and gloves in our lesson as we began to look at the Arctic in Geography. We looked at the countries found within the Arctic circle and discussing why they think it is so cold there.

In PE we have also continued to develop our wonderful dances to the song, ‘We’re Walking in the Air’. The children are working brilliantly together, sharing ideas and supporting each other. Hopefully we will be able to record these dances once they are completed and share them with you. I know the children would love you to see them!

We had our second Kidsafe lesson this week. We learned all about bullying and how this is when a verbal or physical behaviour happens several times on purpose. The children learned how we can say STOP and NO assertively, as well as walking away and talking to a trusted adult. They really helped KS, our special monkey friend, with his yucky feelings, offering wonderful advice and comfort. Please find this weeks Parent Letter attached for you to read.

Let’s Celebrate!

A co-operative and focused learner : Elsie

We have been so impressed by your focus and how you are able to manage your distractions.  You have played such an active role within our class discussions which has only highlighted how focused you have been during our learning! You always offer your time to help your teachers and class friends. Thank you Elsie, these kind actions are always so appreciated! 

An enthusiastic and inquisitive learner : Arthur

You have been so enthusiastic in all of your lessons this week Arthur, in particular your English! You have offered great descriptions and vocabulary during our lessons. Alongside this you have taken your enthusiasm home and have produced such super home learning! Well done Arthur, we are so proud of you!


  • After great discussion about how to restart our charity work the children have agreed that if every family donates £5 we will be able to raise a large sum to present to Brian House. To do this they have planned two themed Fridays, the first on December 3rd – a Silly Sock or tight with uniform day - make your socks or tights stand out! The second on December 10th – a Christmas themed clothes day; a jumper, a t-shirt or simply Christmas colours. Mrs Hodges will organise ParentPay so that each family and members of staff can make a charitable donation.

  • Thursday 16th December is Christmas Dinner Day and Party Day, where once again children are able to wear their own clothes.

  • Can we please keep in mind that on the days children are able to wear their own clothes, that they wear warm clothing and appropriate footwear etc as classrooms can be cold and they will still be going out to play.

  • Can we also ask that children refrain from sending Christmas cards to every member of their class, Let’s help save the environment! If they really want to send a card to their class friends, then please just send one to the whole class and we will share it with them. Many thanks for your support in this area.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert will be live on the blog on Friday 17th December, ready for you to share with all of your loved ones, safely from the comfort of your home.