This week....

Such an exciting week!

The nursery ladies have been watching carefully and noticed that a large group of our children are great builders, some love a cosy moment in the book area whilst other enjoy the home corner. With this in mind, one night after school the nursery fairies decided to rearrange nursery! We now have a huge construction area, an even cosier book corner with cushions and rugs and our home corner, wow the children LOVE it!

It is our plan to give you a guided virtual tour, hopefully next week! Hannah is on to it, fingers crossed and watch this space!

Can I highlight that next week our monthly newsletter will be sent out. It is full of Christmas events that are happening over the next few weeks. Be sure you don’t miss out on the festive fun! If you have any questions just give me a ring or drop me an email.

Clare, Colette and Hannah’s blog

Wow...we are indeed a musical lot this year! A few of the children were enjoying finding different objects around nursery and garden to see what sounds the objects made. Within minutes we had our very own band as numbers had multiplied and we had a plethora of wonderful sounds! This musicality is hopefully going to shine through when its Nativity time!!

Perhaps you can practice our songs at home? Click here for a new version of Away in a Manger (only the first verse please) and here for Sing and Dance for Joy (we are singing ‘dance’ instead of shout for joy etc).

We have had more fun in the hall this week,  - our new favourite is ‘The Circle Song’! Might be a tricky one to practice at home but our group was super at following the moves! Here is the music if you fancy a go!

The three little pigs made another visit with our friends the Numberblocks this week… the children love this story in any form and enjoyed the maths game many of them played alongside it. Perhaps have a go at home at drawing house number one with one window, number two with two windows and three with three windows? Send them into nursery next week and can display them. Good luck!

Clare, Colette and Hannah

Lastly, with the start of Advent fast approaching (yes, it’s next Wednesday!) the children have been planning where we will put our tree and how we should decorate it! It’s all very exciting! We also thought we could recreate the stable in Bethlehem and ‘Christmasify’ (I’m not sure that’s a word) all the areas of the continuous provision. We will take lots of photos to share with you all next week.

We hope that everyone has a calm and restful weekend, not too much Christmas shopping! We look forward to an even busier week at nursery next week!
