Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday 12th November


During the coming week the children will be completing their first reading assessments in Year 5. These are comprehensions and their Star reader on AR (gives reading age). I have given all the children his week the opportunity to reach last half term’s target and so many nearly got there. I am now resetting the targets so we can make a new goal for Christmas.

Many parents will have noticed that their child has a new book mark - on here we are tracking the books we want to read before Christmas and recording how many pages we are reading daily. Please help your child by sharing this goal and encouraging them on their way. Reading daily at home remains our number one homework.


Some serious catching up is required by some members of the class. DD on IXL was set before half term but a number of children have some way to go before completing it. Please focus on this: You need to complete all of DD except DD12, DD13, DD19 and DD20

If you struggle with any tell Mrs H and she’ll go over it with you! We have really practiced decimals again this week so you will be refreshed!

For the children who are already up to date with their maths IXL. For you I have set you four convince me challenges. ( handed out in class). Please make sure these are glued into your homework book and you have a clear explanation for each one!

History Research

Log onto your Purple Mash - here you will find a 2do for researching Athens and Sparta (we hd a look in class). I have linked you to several reliable places on the internet to support your research.

Spelling - silent t!

Please learn: fasten, listen, glisten, soften, castle, rustle, hustle, bustle, jostle, whistle.

Thank you!