Year 6 Home Learning - Wednesday 2nd March 2022

SPELLING FOCUS - i before e, except after c. This is a really tricky rule! Focus on it. I have given you extra time on these spellings as we have children off. What other spelling rules do you need to revise?

cashier, priest, mischief, deceive, receipt, mischief, believe, brief, niece, diesel, hygiene, fierce, siege, grief, receive, perceive, inconceivable, yield, efficient, conscience

MATHS - Arithmetic Focus. Paper 2a

You have another arithmetic paper to have a go at this week. I was impressed with your focus and attention to detail last week. Have another go. Can you maintain your score or look to improve?

Look at your jottings - are you being accurate?


This year has been a year like no other. Covid has continued to play a role in the lives of everybody to the point where we did not see our friends and family for weeks. But, what is Covid? I have set you all a To Do on Purple Mash to complete. Think about the detail needed in your answers. Use the prompts given to support your answers.