Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Be active. Do things with passion and determination.'

Welcome back to the second half of the spring term. There is no doubt that it is going to be a busy term with lots and lots going on. I am really excited that we will end the term with an easter assembly. It will be a lovely way to bring our class family: parents and children together.

This half term, we are focusing on the virtues of being gracious and generous. There is so much to be grateful for, we just need to open our eyes and see. I am especially grateful to have seen all of the parents this afternoon. It has been such a long time since you have seen your child’s work and celebrated just what they have achieved. Please do keep in touch with me and say hello when you see me at the gate. We are a big class community and you are very important to the success and well-being of your children.

Turning to the Cross

Next week, we will celebrate Ash Wednesday in school, marking the start of Lent. Father Peter will be joining us in school, and alongside Year 6, leading us in prayer. For our almsgiving this year, we have decided to work alongside CAFOD, and support their Walk Against Hunger campaign. I will be discussing this with the children on Monday as part of our collective worship. Please visit Miss Hornby’s blog for more information. You might want to get involved with us!

What have we been learning this week?

I am not sure that we have drawn breath this week - it has been full on, fast paced and thoroughly exciting.

  • English - this has been our final week on Romeo and Juliet. We have discussed Friar Lawrence’s role in the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet. Was he ultimately responsible for what had happened? Could he have stopped it? I am excited to start our new novel with the class next week.

  • Maths - I am incredibly proud of the work that we have done this week on percentages. This is a tricky concept that the children have grabbed with both hands. Next stop…ratio!

  • Geography - After our first lesson on The UK on Tuesday, I was slightly worried about our understanding of the country in which we live in. However, after a spot of retrieval and understanding our meta-cognition, we were back on track!

  • Science - How do fossils help us to understand evolution? How are fossils formed? Again, the children linked the unit of work that they completed in Year 4 on rocks with our current unit. I was amazed at what they already know. I think that next week we will have to make our own fossils.

  • RE - With Ash Wednesday taking place next week, the children have reflected on what Lent is and why we either give something up or do something extra.

Leading Learners

What a week of learning!

Well done to Jacob and Megan this week.

Jacob, you have been so open in class and worked alongside many different people. You have seen just what being brave and taking a risk can allow you to achieve. Keep this up. You have worked incredibly hard!

Megan, I love seeing your enthusiasm. You have shown it in bucket loads this week - especially in maths. This learning attitude will get you everywhere. Well done!

School Sport

My heart skipped a beat this week seeing netball, football and swimming all taking place in class. I knew that these clubs would be jam packed, so thank you for being so proactive in filling in the form on the website and securing your child’s place. Yesterday we headed off to St Annes Swimming Pool to take part in our water safety lessons. It was really special to see the children splashing around in the pool having the time of their lives. Just a reminder that all children who have long hair (that has the potential to come over their eyes) need to have a swimming cap next week so that they can take part in the lesson. The children will need the same kit that they brought swimming this week, next week.


Year 6 Football Tournament - Tuesday 22nd March 2pm at AKS

Year 6 Netball Tournament - Thursday 31st March 2pm at AKS

Squads for these tournaments will be announced nearer the time.


  • WORLD BOOK DAY - Thursday 3rd March. We also have swimming in the morning. I have said to the children to come to school in their PE kits, we will then go swimming and return to school as normal. The children need to bring their WORLD BOOK DAY costumes into school and we will get changed once we are back.

  • Parents’ Evening - Please make sure that you have booked an appointment via Miss Hornby’s blog.

  • WATER PARKS MEETING - Monday 7th March 5.30pm. Please complete the form below to indicate if you are able to attend and how many people will be attending. We can accommodate a maximum of 2 adults and 1 child.

  • CHOIR - This will be starting again on Monday 7th March from 3.20pm - 4.00pm with Miss Woodend. For those children who are playing netball on a Monday, you will be able to join in once netball training has finished in five weeks. Please complete the form if you would like your child to join the school choir.

Have a lovely weekend. The sun looks like it will be shining.

I will see you on Monday.

Mrs Gregan