Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'For God so loved the World.'

And so we approach Holy Week in school. As we have continued to learn in class, the whole school has been busy putting together their depictions of the passion. The hall has been filled with song, emotion and wonderful drama. This morning, we had the pleasure of watching the Year 2 rehearsal of Palm Sunday. I cannot tell you how beautiful it was and how special it was to watch an assembly - it is something that we have all missed.

Next Friday, we will be performing our interpretation of the resurrection. I am excited for you to see it and for you to share it with us. Remember, if you are able to come to watch the assembly, please book a place by filling in the form below. There are two spaces available per child. The children need to bring into school on Monday a pair of black leggings/trousers/joggers for the assembly.

Loving to Learn

Learning has been full on and fast paced this week as we continue our journey towards the end of key stage assessments. I am so impressed by the attitude of the children and their desire to make progress. They are constantly asking me for extra revision resources - I cannot keep up!

English - The children have been busy writing their discussion texts on home-learning this week, typing them up and printing them off. They are so knowledgeable. We have also revised verbs - who knew that there was so many different types.

Maths - We have enjoyed maths this week and learning all about co-ordinates. For something that the children initially found hard, they have really enjoyed it. It gives them the opportunity to apply their number work with shape. Next week we are on time!

RE - What are the events of Good Friday? How did this impact on us and what did the disciples feel? We have explored these questions this week. In addition, we have revisited some of our work on Justice and Racism. There was a number of scenarios that we looked at and we had to decide what advice we would give. It was really powerful and it made us all reflect.

Thank you to you all for your wonderful emails sharing how you are supporting your child at home. I love hearing what is going on and the work that your child is sharing with me. You will see from the homework this week that we are really gearing up to the final 4 weeks of teaching. Please continue to keep asking questions and I can help you wherever I can. I have run an analysis on the maths papers that the children have completed and have made an individual revision booklet for them all. I will send these out next week for half term. If you click on the button below, it will take you to the section on the Year 6 web page ‘How to Help Your Child.’ I have updated the page with lots of useful sites for the children to access.

Leading Learners

Well done to Olivia and Daniel!

Having marked a lot of books this week, I was incredibly impressed with Olivia’s presentation and the depth of her learning. She has really challenged herself to meet the expectations of what has been asked of her. I am really happy - well done Olivia!

Daniel has had a great week and has shown exactly what he is capable of in lots of different areas. He has really enjoyed maths and flown with it. Keep up the effort and focus Daniel!

Netball Pride

Another week and another tournament. Well done to the girls who took part in the local school netball tournament this week. The sun was shining and the netball played was exceptional. After dominating the group stages, we met our match in the semi finals against a talented Heyhouses teams. This meant we played Clifton in the 3rd v 4th playoff. This resulted in a draw so we finished joint 3rd. What a great result!

As the netball tournament is now complete, the training for the girls will now stop. Thank you for your dedication over the past half term.


Now that netball has finished, there is an opportunity to attend choir on a Monday until 4pm. If this is something that you would like to get involved with, please complete the form below.

Going Forward…

As you all know, I am expecting my second child in May. I have spoken with the class today to let them know what the plan is for them going forward. I am really excited that Mrs Harrison will be joining the Year 6 team after Easter. She will be working with myself and Mrs Webster in class to prepare the children for their end of year assessments, she will then be leading the end of year play. Please click on the button below to read


  • Friday 8th April 9.10am - Year 6 Easter Assembly.

  • House winners for this half term - Plessington and Harcourt. You are able to come in your house colours next Friday.

  • Unfortunately, Mr Nay has injured his knee and will be unable to run after school clubs until after Easter. We will be pausing football after school at this point.

  • We finish for Easter next Friday. Marsden and Harcourt - 2pm. Bamber and Plessington - 2.10pm

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Gregan