Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'Being a family means that you are part of something wonderful.'

Well…what an unexpected week we have all had! When I arrived in school on Monday, I was adamant that we would all be together for this week, continuing to work as hard as we could towards the end of year assessments. Little did I know what Tuesday would bring! The children’s attitude to learning and the seamless transition to work alongside Mrs Harrison and Mrs Webster is testament to the culture that we have created in Year 6 and their determination to do their very best. This week, more than any other week, I am incredibly proud of them all. For a group of 10 and 11 year olds to ‘just get on’ - they are truly remarkable!

I have been in constant conversations with Mrs Harrison (and Mrs Hotchkiss) this week. Both of these wonderful teachers will be supporting the class over the final week before the assessments take place on the 9th May. I popped into class yesterday to introduce the children to my little girl and I will be in next week to continue to check on the class and see how they are doing. Mrs Harrison was very excited to tell the children the news on Wednesday!

Continuing to learn

As expected, these final two weeks are all about revision and narrowing the gaps. The class have had detailed feedback on the papers that they have completed. They should now have a really focused list of revision material. The children know that their homework is all about revision and that they are leading this for themselves. They have to be motivated to do well and to gather their own resources from class.

In addition to all of their revision and learning for the assessments, the children have been continuing to learn about Buddhism in RE, the circulatory system in science and I believe that there was a competitive cricket match in PE this week.

With a four day learning day next week, every day is crucial. Please ensure that your children are in school on time to maximise every learning opportunity.

Going Forward

As we move towards the end of this half term and into Summer 2, Mrs Harrison will be leading the class on a day to day basis - she is very excited about the end of year play. If you have any information that she needs to know daily, please email her on

I will be continuing to lead the transition to high school for all of the children and have meetings in place with St Bedes already. My emails are still open, please do not think that you cannot email me if you have any concerns or questions, I will be in and out of school. I want to make sure that the children have the smoothest transition possible.

Water Parks

I know how excited the children (and the staff) are about heading off to Water Parks in a few weeks time. Mrs Harrison, Mrs Hotchkiss and myself met on Tuesday to discuss the week and they are fully aware of any medical needs the children may have. I have listed some essential information below which you will need to think about and know. Again, if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

  • On Monday 16th May, the children need to arrive at school (main entrance) at 9am. Please bring all bags into the hall. There will be members of staff there to help and direct you. The children will need one case/bag with their main clothes in for the week and a back pack for the coach with any smaller items in.

  • If your child needs any medication for the week, this needs to be in a separate bag - clearly labelled - and given to the member of staff who will be at the medicine table. There will be an additional form to complete which will indicate the medication, when it needs administering and how much needs to be administered.

  • Talent Show - Next week, Mrs Harrison will be asking the children what their talent show act is and if they have any music etc. Please can you ensure that the act your child is doing is totally appropriate. Mrs Harrison will be checking this next week. Anything that the children need for the talent show needs to be brought in on the morning of departure. If it fits in your child’s case - brilliant! Please ensure that they have any music that they need too.

  • Final balance - please ensure that the final balance has been paid by next week.


SATs week - Monday 9th - Thursday 12th May. Please ensure that your child is in school on time after a really good night sleep and a substantial breakfast.

  • Monday - GPS and Spelling

  • Tuesday - Reading

  • Wednesday - Arithmetic and Maths 1

  • Thursday Maths 2

Thursday 12th May - End of year play read through and auditions

Friday 13th May - Formal interviews with Miss Hornby for positions around school. The children can come into school in formal interview wear. Dress to impress!

Mrs Harrison will take over the blog next week, but I am definitely at the end of an email. Have a wonderful weekend, especially a wonderful bank holiday weekend!

Mrs Gregan