Art news… Week 6
This week has flown past, singing has filled every corner of the school as classes practise for their parts in the Christmas celebration films. Nothing sounds as magical as children singing and singing with such joy and enthusiasm, you are all in for a treat.
In Art…
Reception had a show to put on, so Art was put on the back burner this week. So instead I helped with costume changes. The Nativity is so magical and every child putting their heart and sole into their performance. You are in for a treat.
Year one completed their Collage topic by discussing homes and in particular birds nests. What was the important factors of a birds nest and why. We were meant to get sticks etc from the school garden but rain and winds stopped us, so we showed how good our cutting skills were and cut up pieces to make our nest fit for our egg.
Year two used clay to make a mask of their own faces, we rolled and shaped our head, added ears, eyes and nose. We created out lips and hair and using special clay tools we added extra details like freckles and marks. These were so good, some children said they would paint them at home when the clay had dried.
Year three were given a choice of Christmas templates and were asked to show what they had learned from their Collage topic by decorating them with materials fro the create room collage boxes. These were super impressive as the children added their own little twist on their work.
Year four wrapped up their Painting topic by choosing between JMW Turner or Georgia O’Keefe inspired watercolour paintings. Each child had a frame to fill, blending, sunsets and sunrises, beautiful poppies and flowers were painted. These will be displayed in the Create room after Christmas.
Year five finished their Printmaking topic by looking at the art of Michael Rothenstein and then designing and printing in three colours at once in this style. These worked really well and look great. Mrs Hotchkiss popped in and was very impressed at what she saw.
Year six put together their beautifully sewn Christmas cards and had a go at drawing with wool (Sewing on paper).These were fun to do and look great.
Art club will start again in January and I will let the new members know who they are in the first week back.
The weather is most cold and we are keeping our windows and doors open in line with government’s guidance, so please wrap up, bring an extra jumper if needed. Layers work wonders.
Have a blissful weekend, one week to go and I know parties are planned and Christmas dinners to be enjoyed. It’s going to be a fabulous week.
Stay safe
God Bless
Mrs Curtis