Year 5 Home Learning to be handed in on Friday 17th December

Firstly, may I apologise most sincerely for not creating the link from my homework to the correct webpage! I have to select the page the work appears on and I was mortified when the children told me I hadn’t posted the homework. Needless to say, I jumped onto my computer and made the link and it appeared like magic in front of them. However, that was Monday morning and I know how important it is to have the weekend for home learning. As a result of this error, I’m keeping the homework simple this week to give everyone time to catch up.


Can you reach your target before Christmas? Please read before bedtime every night.


IXL R1 - Money ordering amounts


I have set you a postcard writing task in Purple Mash. You have to imagine you are a little raindrop! Tell the story of your trip down the river. I’m looking for geographical language (subject specific):

Erosion - attrition, abrasion, solution, hydraulic action

Transportation - saltation, traction, solution

Don’t forget the features of a river too - source, tributary, waterfall, meander, channel, riverbed, confluence estuary!

This is a chatty informal piece of writing - remember you’re pretending to be a raindrop- can you make me laugh too and smile with pride at all your geographical knowledge