"The waterfall is natures laughter."

So sorry about the late post of homework last week! I know how busy families are at this time preparing for Christmas and I’m sure this failure to link the webpage was not helpful - please see this weeks shorter homework - I wanted to give the children time to complete their databases on Purple Mash so we have less this week.

Another busy week of learning in Year 5. Over the past few days we have brought together our work in science, geography and English (explanatory text). We are in the process of writing our explanations for “The Water Cycle”. As we planned this work Abi made the connection between this vital natural process and the threat of climate change. The children could see how the science worked and how humans have impacted on the process. We need to keep learning too how wonderful and hopeful science is in relation to solving problems.

Money has been our focus in maths exploring adjusting and making the vital link between how money is written and decimal fractions.

In RE we explored the prophets (Hosea, Jeremiah and Isiah) we are beginning to understand that God is always seeking to be near us to help us to know him better. The children made the link between the name “Emmanuel” - God is with us - and the arrival of Jesus our Saviour. At other times in the week we practiced our singing - sadly we will not be able to share our concert with you in person but the lovely Mrs Gregan is working to put together our individual performances into an online Christmas story concert.

The children continue to work hard - when we keep focused on the learning Christmas seems to come that bit quicker!

Awards this week

Our Grow Your Brain Certificates this week went to: Amber, John-Joseph and Esme - well done!

Compassion certificate went to a group of children who spent their playtime picking up the litter blown into the grounds during all the bad weather we have experienced - Thank you children


On Monday we will be walking down to church to film our songs for the Christmas concert video as mentioned above

Next Thursday is Party Day - but also swimming - please remember your kit and early start as normal

Next Thursday is party day - the children will be coming to school in party clothes (makes sure they are warm and trainers are ideal). On this day the children are asked to bring a bar of chocolate and a special drink (no fizz) thank you.

SWIMMING- due to the need within the class - we will continue to swim each Thursday until the end of next half term (February). Please note that the children will be reassessed and three groups created to ensure all children achieve their 25m certificate. Those who are confident swimmers will be challenged to improve technique and further build stamina. If we have any non swimmers by the end of this period further lessons will be organised in line with the statutory guidance for swimming and swimming safety.

Thank you for all your continued support it is really appreciated - The Year 5 team