Year 3 blog 10.12.21 'The beauty of Christmas is not in the presents but in His presence'

The last week of our Autumn term is here and there is definitely a sense of excitement in the classroom, however, children are still working incredibly hard and are getting through so much work- Miss Bassett and I can hardly believe it! The elf has been making it rounds around the classroom this week, although not causing too much mischief, as its incredibly well behaved. There was just one day, where we did worry that its magic may have faded, but thankfully the next day we had seen it had moved positions! This week we have filmed the children’s two songs to add to our Key Stage Two Christmas Concert film, which will be live on the blog next Friday. We can’t wait for you to see it, the children are signing like angels and have clearly been practicing lots at home and at school, so thank you for your help.

Year 3 Learning this week …

This week the children have worked incredibly hard in their English, we have been creating complex sentences in our grammar lessons and innovating the dragon report we showed you last week, to create a new report on the ‘Thunder Dragon’ and ‘Sun-Blazer Dragon’. This is a great way to model to the children how to write a non-chronological report, receiving feedback on how they can improve their writing ready for their independent report writing next week. We can’t wait to mark them and may even share some of them with you on the blog after Christmas, so watch this space.

During this half term the children have been busy creating a dance in PE, and this week we finally finished and recorded them. The children have blown me away with how they have worked during these lessons. They have had to work as part of a team, sharing their ideas to create different sections within the dance. I could not have been more proud of each child as I watched them perform their dances, seeing just how much their confidence dancing has grown! A quote from one of the children was, “It’s great because dance is just lots of teamwork and you can tell a story!”

Below are the dances from both PE groups. We hope you enjoy them!

In Mathematics children have continued to look at how we can divide 100 in to equal parts, reasoning on finding missing numbers in sequences and continuing to spot for patterns.

We had our fourth Kidsafe lesson this week. We learned all about keeping our bodies safe. Please find this weeks Parent Letter attached for you to read.

Let’s Celebrate!

A Focused learner : Rex

A huge well done Rex! You have blown us away with your wonderful focus! You are putting in 100% effort into your learning and we have been so impressed to see your enthusiasm when finishing your writing this week! We have also been so impressed with your focus and cooperation skills throughout our dance lessons in PE. Keep going Rex, you are working so hard!

An Determined and Cooperative learner : Ella

Well done Ella, you have shown great determination during our learning… not just this week but throughout the term. We have noticed how focused you are during our discussions and we have loved watching your confidence grow and your participation within these discussions grow too! You are also such a wonderful learning partner. You see how special it is to help each other grow your brains and you support your partners so beautifully with such kindness. Well done Ella!


  • If you haven’t already please donate to our chosen charity Brian House this advent via Parent Pay. It would be greatly appreciated.

  • Thursday 16th December is Christmas Dinner Day and Party Day, where once again children are able to wear their own clothes.

  • School closes for Christmas on Friday 17th December at the earlier time of 2pm.

  • Can we please keep in mind that on the days children are able to wear their own clothes, that they wear warm clothing and appropriate footwear etc as classrooms can be cold and they will still be going out to play.

  • Can we also ask that children refrain from sending Christmas cards to every member of their class, Let’s help save the environment! If they really want to send a card to their class friends, then please just send one to the whole class and we will share it with them. Many thanks for your support in this area.

  • KS2 Christmas Concert will be live on the blog on Friday 17th December, ready for you to share with all of your loved ones, safely from the comfort of your home.