Year 3 - Home Learning 10.12.21


This week’s strategy is called ‘Pyramid words’. 

First, you need to draw a triangle.

Next, write the word a letter at a time inside the shape. This means the children repeat practicing the spelling, a letter at a time.

This week we are looking at words ending in - ture.

  1. nature

  2. creature

  3. picture

  4. capture

  5. adventure

  6. mixture

  7. future

  8. departure


Please have a go at Z.10 Parallel and perpendicular lines


This week we have been gaining a greater understanding of the special prayer, the Hail Mary.

Please find your 2Do on Purple Mash. Similarly to our class discussion, I want you to choose two lines from the Hail Mary. Think about, and write what these lines mean. Draw illustrations to show the meaning of both these parts of the prayer