Have a Happy and Holy Christmas - one and all

Even though it was the last week of a busy term, the children have all risen to the learning challenges set this week. Science got super practical as we have explored pulleys and levers. We discovered that these simple machines decrease the amount of effort (force) required to do a job (lift or cut). In response to this learning the children made interactive books using the app “Book Creator”. The children designed the pages so that their explanatory text, pictures and videos helped the reader to understand what levers pulleys and gears are and how they work! Alongside this we got out the knex modelling kits. It gives me great pleasure to tell you that this class were the most successful class we have ever had - please see the little film below to see a few of the models we made -the egg whisk with working gears is pretty impressive!

In RE we have made the link between the prophets and the Annunciation (Gabriel visits Mary). The children had to write Mary’s diary of that day and we had some really successful ones that conveyed her sense of wonder and humility. On Monday of course we visited church, which has been sorely missed. We filmed our songs for the Christmas concert - please enjoy!

I do wish you could have watched the swimming lesson this week - oh what fun we had. Graham, our lovely swimming teacher, had use racing in hilarious ways. Have you ever tried to swim holding a float, a watering can and a bucket while carrying a ring on your head - not easy but very funny! These games were followed by more in class! The Christmas dinner was enormous - and we sang in the hall as we ate! We finished Thursday with a film.

On our Final day, we reflected on this term and set new targets for the coming year. It is my wish and hope that we all return safely in the new year to continue this rewarding and challenging learning journey together.