Hooray!! We have made it to the end of this first part of this term and what a team effort it has been. Well done children, you have worked your socks off again this week and you definitely deserve a rest next week. Well done and thank you parents for all of your hard work and support—we really couldn’t have made it to the end of this half term without you. We really do appreciate all that you have been doing. You are doing an amazing job and deserve a well earned rest too. We hope that you will all be able to take some time to recharge your batteries.
What a busy week of learning we have had. Lots of grammar work in English this week and then we finished off today with descriptions of amazing confectionery for the Iron Man (a Library Service competition). More super multiplication in maths - the children have been really shining with their tables work and have been able to manipulate multiplication and division facts too. TT Rockstars is proving to be a great hit and the children are really enjoying practising their tables. If you have not tried this yet, don’t forget to follow the instructions for logging in that we posted on the remote learning page last week. Login details were sent via email. In science the children created branching data bases for sorting living things. This week we have also thought about Lent, which starts next week, and written our Lenten promises. Please do talk with your child about Lent and how they can grow to be closer to Jesus during this special time of the year. E safety day on Tuesday was a real success and the children were so engaged. We enjoyed a Zoom meeting, had fun with a Wooclap and also created some wonderful spoof websites with children turning orange because they were eating carrots, flying sharks and aliens who are invading the earth. Great work everyone. You are little stars shining brightly and we are so proud of you all. We know that you will continue to shine next term too because you are really buzzing with enthusiasm. Keep up the good work everyone.
Let’s Celebrate:
Well there is lots to celebrate this week with all of the wonderful learning that has been happening. You are all working so hard children and we are so proud of you all. We love receiving all of your emails with photos and seeing what you have been up to on Purple Mash. This week we want to celebrate Rosa (again!) Christian and Nicola who have reached their reading targets. Well done children..
We are being very cheeky again this week and awarding 4 certificates!! (Well, we just couldn’t decide again!!) Certificates go to Nicola, Edi, Matilda and Alexander. Well done children you are all doing a fabulous job with your learning. Nicola gets a Concentrating Cooper Crab certificate for all of her amazing focus and hard work this week and over the last few weeks too. You are being a little super star. Well done Nicola. Edi gets a Bobby Bee certificate for being such an enthusiastic learner. You are working so hard Edi and you are having a wonderful go at everything. We are loving your focus and excitement about your learning. Matilda receives a Cooper Crab certificate because she is concentrating so hard and being a really focused learner. Well done Matilda, keep up the good work. Alexander gets a Cooper Crab certificate too because he is also being so focused on his work at the moment. You are being so busy, beavering away at all of your work Alexander and we are loving seeing all that you are doing, well done.
We hope that you enjoy all of the photos from this week’s learning.
Things to Note:
The next class Zoom meeting is on Wednesday 24th February at 9:15am. Emails will be sent as we return to school. (Same details as previous meetings)
Parents, thank you for all of your support and co-operation this half term. We really do appreciate all that you have done to support the children with their learning and all of your lovely emails and comments. You are amazing. We hope that you all have a well earned rest next week. Hopefully we will be able to come back together as a whole class soon.
Take care and stay safe,
The Year 3 Team Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow
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