Year 6 Weekly Blog - 'We made it! I am incredibly proud of us all.'

It is hard to believe that 6 weeks ago we came back to school for just one day, only to be told that we had to close again. Despite all of the challenges, the frustrations, the technical glitches and sheer exhaustion - we have made it and I am so very proud of us all. For me, the last half term is full of pure pride. I am proud of how each family has managed their own needs and commitments, I am proud of how each child has worked independently, I am proud of how the standard of work has continued to be exceptionally high and the children have continued to make progress, I am proud that we have still taught the whole school curriculum and I am proud that no matter how frustrating things have been, we have just kept on going.

The Year 6 children have been readers, writers, journalists, mathematicians, statisticians, biologists, geographers, philosophers and theologists.

Having seen all of the work that the children have produced and committed too over the past six weeks, I have no doubt that when they come back to school they will continue to fly.

‘Faith is taking the first step, even when you cannot see the whole staircase.’ Martin Luther King

Now it is time for everybody to stop, take a breath and enjoy a week with their families, I know I will be. Let’s pray that the weather is kind to us all so we can all get outside for some much needed fresh air and time away from our screens.

At the end of every half term, I always ask the children to vote for who they would like the certificate to go to. This half term, there is no way that I could possibly choose. Instead, I would am presenting the learning certificate to every single family. You are amazing!

For the past two weeks, I have asked the children to complete a series of kindness missions, reaching out to the people in their community and their friends. This week, the children have been writing postcards to the residents of Stella Matutina and then I asked them to think about their lockdown hero, someone who has inspired them to be the best that they can be and who has gone the extra mile. Click on the image to see all of the certificates that the children have awarded.

The postcards that the children have written to the residents of Stella Matutina will now be emailed across to them. Hopefully, they will bring a smile to their faces.

Creating an Internet that we TRUST!

Our theme for this year’s online safety day was screen time. This year, more than any other, we have all had to increase the amount of time that we are on devices and screens. This week we talked about making sure that this was balanced with time outdoors and away from our screens too.

All of the children created pledges, something that they are going to try and do going forward. So instead of jumping on the XBOX after a maths lesson, they are going to take some time outside. If you click on the image to the right, it will take you to all of the children’s pledge. Why not make a family pledge?

Please enjoy some of our learning photographs from this week including plenty of screen free time!


‘Lent is about becoming, doing and changing.’

Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday, the day where we start to think about Jesus’s journey to the cross and the events of Holy Week. As we are not in school, why not start the Lenten conversation with your children at home?

This week the children have been thinking about their Lenten Promise. Something that they are going to do that is additional and will make a difference to someone in their lives.

After half term, I will be asking the children in Year 6 to contribute to whole school worships as we continue our Lenten journey together.

Mrs Webster has created a beautiful display in class where we can share all of the children’s promises. I cannot wait for all of the class to see them together.

Thank you for all of your kind words, supportive emails and funny comments this half term - you have all really made me smile. I am incredibly grateful for the level of support you have provided your children throughout this really difficult time.

Please take care this half term, have a rest and enjoy being together.

God bless

Mrs Gregan