Year 6 Weekly Blog - "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.”

I do feel that this year, we have all experienced some form of darkness, but I am so hopeful for the light that is emerging. The days are much brighter and they are lighter for longer, the sun is shining and the children will be coming back to school. We all seem to be moving in the right direction. I am incredibly excited to be welcoming the children back to school on the 8th March. Next week, I will be revamping and freshening up the classroom to celebrate all of the wonderful work that the children have completed this half term. I am very proud of each and every one of them.

Please make sure you have familarised yourself with the information that Miss Hornby has shared about the school reopening. Please click on the button below.

As the children return to school, our focus will be on them coming back together as a class family and reconnecting. We will also be thinking about our journey to the cross and Lenten reflection. Our two Jesuit virtues will be love and compassion, this is something that we all need to think about and I know that it will brighten someone’s day.

The children will be looking at how we can show love and compassion to the wider community through their role as leaders of the school.

Laughter aids the digestion

And my have we laughed this week!

Tummy and toilet talk often brings moments of laughter, sickness and squirming but it has been so much fun. I have loved seeing the photographs from home of the children creating a model of the digestive system.

Alongside the practical task, I asked the children to complete an animation of the digestive system. If you click on the image to the right, it will take you to a display board showing all of the children's work. They are very funny!

Next week, we will be looking at the respiration system. The children will need the following equipment: 3 balloons, 2 straws, a plastic bottle, tape, playdough or blue tac. This will be needed for their science lesson on Tuesday.

In English, we have been writing non-chronological reports all about owls in preparation for our reports on Skellig next week. I am looking forward to completing the book next week before we start a film narrative unit of work when we come back to school.

Leading Learning

Well done to Dylan, Zofia, Sol and Leila this week who have all shown exactly what they can do.

You have all challenged yourself to work independently and make sure that you are completing the task that has been asked of you. Thank you for all of your hard work. I have popped a copy of your certificate in your tray for when you come back to school.

Have a lovely weekend enjoying the sunshine! Hopefully it is God’s way of showing that there are better things to come.

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster