Year 6 Weekly Blog - "Do everything with a sprinkle of kindness."

Kindness is free and at the moment, it is exactly what our world needs. This week, I have challenged the class to complete kindness missions with their friends. Sending someone a message or an email can really brighten their day. It has been really heart-warming to see the children interact with each other and send each other a message.

One of my highlights of the week has been seeing the children’s kindness maps. If you click on the picture, it will take you to our class display board on Purple Mash where you can read all of the children’s work. I wonder what you think kindness is? What does it look like? What does it smell like?

We will be continuing our acts of kindness next week and reaching out to a few more of our school community. Let’s see if we can bring a real smile to people’s faces.

healthy eating.PNG

Learning in Year 6 has been really busy this week. Whether the children have been learning how to keep their body healthy, tackling the division of fractions, writing their newspaper articles or understanding and reflecting on the consecration - I have been blown away by their level of detail and the amount of effort the children are putting into their work.

We finished Clockwork as well this week, a really sinister and clever story where the lives of characters really do get wound up. I know the children have really enjoyed the book and judging by their comments on our class blog, they were surprised at the ending. Next week, we will be continuing to use the events of Clockwork to help us to write our second newspaper report - The Murder of Karl!

Celebrating learning

What fantastic examples of Year 6 work we have had this week. You are all absolute stars and you make me incredibly proud.

Well done to Frankie, Evelin, Callum-Sean and Ethan this week. Every single one of you have gone above and beyond to showcase work that you are capable of. I have seen such an attention to detail in all of your work, really making sure that the Year 6 key skills are embedded into your work.

I am incredibly proud of the determination and the resilience that you have shown.

High School Transition

A few of the children have been asking me about high school transition this week and when they find out which school they will be going to in September. From 3rd March, places will be announced, so you all should know that week.

With regards to the transition process, I am in very close contact with St Bedes and other schools, ensuring that the transition can be as smooth as possible. At this moment, I am unable to discuss visits or what may happen in the future. We do know that KS2 SATs tests will not be taking place in May due to the time that children have been out of school. I will be completing transition documents on all of the children in detail so that their high schools have all of the information that they require about your child’s learning, skill set and what wonderful human beings they are.

If anybody has any questions about anything to do with high school, please do ask and I will answer as best as I can. Everything is a little bit trickier because of the current situation but I am sure as we move towards the beginnings of Summer, a clearer picture will emerge.

A final big thank you from me. Every single family is going above and beyond to support and manage learning, family situations and working life style. I am so proud of you all. Please make sure that you have some rest and fresh air this weekend, ready to recharge those batteries for the final week of the half term.

‘Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience'.’

Colossians 3:12

As we start to approach the season of Lent, I will be asking the children to get involved in a worship that I will be putting together next week. Keep an eye on the blog each day and I will be in touch.

Have a restful weekend

Mrs Gregan and Mrs Webster