‘Overcoming obstacles starts with a positive attitude and faith that God will see you through’.

We did it!

I can’t thank you enough for you support over the last eight weeks. You have helped your children grow, you have been enthusiastic, patient and positive. Even through those difficult moments at home or when I have forgotten to log in to zoom or not uploaded a piece of work! If your child has been attending school throughout this time, thank you for helping to keep our bubble safe. It is so important that we keep up with the guidance and continue to keep our community safe as we move forward.

As I mentioned last week we are ready to welcome back the children with love and compassion. We have lots of lovely opportunities to reconnect and rebuild friendships planned. I think excitement will take over any worries on Monday morning!

Your videos and photos have been as wonderful as ever! In English I was very impressed to hear you telling your own version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. I have been really pleased to see your work with number 10 in Maths, those number bonds will be stuck in our brain before we know it. We are certainly looking forward to seeing how you brains have grown next week and what news skills you have gained.


Let’s Celebrate

Alice is a Concentrating Cooper Crab - For creating a wonderful and focused story map and retelling your version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar so clearly. Well done Alice!

Hugo is a Creative Kiki Chameleon - For creating a brilliant small world in the construction area and busing your classmates ideas to change and add to it. It was great to see you working as a team. Well done Hugo!

Important Notices

CHANGE TO PE DAY - Please send your child to school in their PE kits on Monday and Wednesday each week.

URGENT - Please read the updated guidance on the Discover page under ‘Keeping Safe’ of the website before Monday.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team

Enjoy the pictures below of another fantastic week of learning! Click on the right of the pictures to swipe through!