This week...all about magnets

We started out investigation of magnets on Monday by watching a short video about ‘Magnet Man’. He wore powerful magnets on his hands and feet and could climb tall buildings and towers! Mmmm… we wondered why he didn’t fall off. The children thought it would be a fabulous Idea to put magnets on Colette’s hands and feet to see if she could walk up the wall!! Guess what we found out, she couldn’t, but why?

Click here to watch Magnet Man.

The children all took a magnet and went to find out what the magnets would stick to. They discovered magnets only stuck to metal, but not all metal. We made a list of everything we could find that the magnets stuck to. Look at our photos below!

We found out that the magnets stuck to iron objects. Sometimes iron is mixed with other metals to make steel, therefore steel also sticks to a magnet. So if a magnet sticks to an object, the object is iron or steel.

We made our waterplay into a magnets fishing game and the sand a magnet minibeast hunt!

You will notice we are wearing bandana’s on some of our photo’s. That’s because later in the week we were Magnet Man superheroes! Ninja’s assemble!

At music time we made up a sing to the tune of Spiderman. We all sang and played the musical instruments whilst Colette played the guitar!

Magnet Man, Magnet Man,

Climbs a wall like a spider can,

Does he fall?

Does he fly?

No he can’t he’s a guy

Oh yeah, here comes Magnet Man!

I really don’t think Andrew Lloyd Webber has anything to worry about!

On Tuesday we built using magnetic construction toys. The children joined all the magnets resources together to see if they would reach from one end of the nursery to the other! It took ages as some of the magnets pushed and some magnets pulled. That was a puzzle so we had to find out about north and south poles! (not the Artic and Antarctic, that was confusing). Click here to find out!

Later in the week we watched a funny video about two mice using fridge magnets to climb a fridge door to reach some cheese sitting on top of it. They cleverly use another magnet to help them escape from a waiting cat! A bit like Magnet Man but with mice! Click here to watch.

You will be pleased to know that our beans have started to germinate! The children are very excited about climbing the beanstalk! Also, when we came to nursery on Monday our cress had grown. It look liked grass. We all had a taste a snack time, we were all underwhelmed!

I hope you have all managed to plant your sunflowers at home? The children all know how to do the planting and nurturing! We have all be using Purple Mash to create pictures of sunflowers. Well done to everyone who had completed the challenge at home. Keep a look out just in case your key person posts any new activities.

As you are aware we have had some glorious weather this week. It was so lovely to be able to play in the garden ‘coatless’. Have a look a the photos below to see what we got up to!

On Thursday it was World Book Day, so we had a day full of stories. The children love their stories.

There are lots of eBooks to listen to on the World Book Day website. Click here for audio books. Also, watch out for the World Book Day book tokens which are being sent out next week.

There are more stories for young children available on the Literacy Trust webpage. Happy reading!!

Lastly, as always I would like to say thank you for your ongoing support of nursery, we’re a good team! Please have a relaxing weekend enjoying each others company, but remember if you go our wrap up warm I believe it’s going to be a bit chilly (again!)! Brrrrrrrrr…..