We have made it safely to the end of another week and the children have continued to work hard and grow their brains despite the continuing global pandemic. We are so excited to be welcoming all of the children back together again next week and we know that they will be both excited and a little nervous to be back in school on Monday. We know that this time has not been easy for anyone and we would just like to say a huge “thank you” to everyone for all of your support and dedication during the last couple of months. We really could not have managed without everything that you have done to help the children with their learning. We have loved receiving all of the photos, emails and the children’s work on Purple Mash and we know that when we are all back together again in school the children will continue to fly.
Next week is dedicated to welcoming the children back together again and to ensuring that they have time to reconnect with their friends and settle back into the school routine. We will be following the Jesuit virtues of Love and Compassion over the coming weeks and the children will be thinking of how they can show both of these to the people that they meet. This will also help us to grow in our relationship with Jesus as we begin our preparations for the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. (See below for more details)
Throughout the week we will be reminding the children of all of the procedures that we will need to follow in school to keep everyone safe and making sure that we follow these and embed them into our routine again. Please make sure that you have read the very important parental and children’s advice which can be found on the main school blog and discussed this with your child. Please look at the guidance and information on the ‘Keeping Safe’ part of our website under ‘Discover’.
Let’s Celebrate:
Rosa and Franek have reached 100% of their reading targets this week. Well done - What stars you are! Your birds are up and I have reset your targets. Keep up the good work. Looking at everyone’s target scores, I know that there will be a few more children who will reach theirs soon. Keep reading everyone, well done.
This week we are celebrating everyone.
Children you receive the certificate because we are so impressed with all of you and how much work you have been doing during these Lockdown weeks. Parents you receive the certificate because we are so grateful for all of the work that you have been doing with your children at home, as well as doing everything else that you have been juggling too. You are amazing and we just wanted to show you how much you really are appreciated. So well done everyone. Click on the buttons below to see the certificates.
We hope that you enjoy all of the photos from this week’s learning. Thank you for sending them. We have loved seeing them all. We hope that you enjoy them too.
Things to Note:
Mrs Curtis has said that the children will all need an art shirt (adult sized t.shirt to go over their school uniform) for art lessons from Monday. These will stay in school until summer. Thank you.
ALL children will now be doing art on Mondays.
PE days are changing too for some. Please see the lists below for the new grouping for outdoor PE. All children will continue to have indoor PE on Friday.
Monday PE lessons: Angel, Alexander, Betsy, Charlie, Evan, Franek, Francesca, Leo, Leon, Matilda, Max, Millie, Nicola and Owen.
Tuesday PE lessons: Alex, Anncia, Christian, Connor Sean, Daisy, Edi, Georgia, Harvey, Iris, Jay, Lily-Mae, Molly-Ann, Ruby Lilly, Rosa, Stanley and Tabby.
Please make sure that the children have their PE kits on both PE days. Shorts are needed for Friday indoor PE lessons. Trainers must be worn for outdoor PE please. Just a reminder that ear-rings can NOT be worn for PE. Also, if ear rings are worn in school they must be small, simple stud ear rings - for safety reasons.
Please look on the button below to see the letter from Fr Peter and Miss Hornby about this year’s Reconciliation and Holy Communion programme. Thank you
We would like to say another big “thank you” for all of your support and co-operation during the week and throughout the lockdown period. We really do appreciate all that you have done to help the children with their learning and all of your lovely photos and emails that you have sent to us. You have been truly amazing. Thank you.
We look forward to seeing all of the children again on Monday and also to seeing you at the end of the day.
Take care and stay safe,
The Year 3 Team
Miss Brisco, Miss Edmondson and Miss Woodrow
Contact us at: