Year 2 Home Learning - Week Ending 12th March 2021

This week’s home learning is online.


I have set 3 2Dos for you to complete on Purple Mash. These all link to the shape work that we have been doing this week.

Maths IXL

We are now all at different stages of our IXL because of remote learning. Therefore for home learning, I will now guide you to a unit and you can see which section you need to complete within that unit.

This week I would like you to complete at least one section from unit N ‘two-dimensional shapes’ or O ‘three-dimensional shapes’.


I have set a 2Do on Purple Mash. This links with the comma work that we have been doing in class.


Adding the suffixes -er and -est.

sillier jolliest funnier happier prettiest spikier

Set 12

after again any anyone ask old

(Our weekly spelling quizzes will take place on Thursdays)

Miss Woodend