Year 5 Homework to be completed by Thursday 18th March

Hello children and parents,

During lockdown, it wasn’t feasible to set homework when so many of us were already completing school work at home everyday. However, we are all now back in school and we will be re-establishing those important routines we have in and out of school to help everyday with our learning!

So without further a-do here is your homework! I have tried to ensure it is all online at present so that it can be marked by Mrs Hotchkiss and Mrs Nel at home.

TASK 1 - DAILY TT ROCKSTARS - daily homework

I can’t believe I am places something ahead of reading!!!! Can we all create a new TT Rock stars routine at home. Will you do 10 minutes everyday over breakfast, or will you do it as soon as you get home from school? This is essential learning - it is great too as the teachers can see how many minutes you are completing as a 7 day average - please go for it!!!

TASK 2 - READING daily homework

How is your reading going. Every child was set a reading target for this half term and I was delighted to see some children chasing their targets early. I know that Mrs Harrison and Miss Bassett have been re-establishing silent reading time in class and this will give us all the space to reengage fully. Make sure you are reading every night. As you have all completed a new reading assessment on your return, Mrs Hotchkiss will be sending your ZPD and reading targets via your Purple Mash 2email -

TASK 3 - MOTHERS DAY!!!!! What have you got planned for mum? Please give her time on Sunday after all you are the apple of her eye!! (so sorry mums did you see how I [put you third after timetables and reading!!!). I have set a 2do mothers day message in your Purple Mash. I will save these as PDF’s and secretly send them onto your mums next week via email! wont that be a lovely surprise!!!


Using table facts to find your division facts shows a deeper understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division. You should have completed E1,E2 and E3 on your IXL (if you haven’t please begin to catch up). For this week I would like you all to complete E9 - dividing numbers ending in zeros!


I have attached Michael’s final Light Lesson which we managed to just catch in class! In this short video he recaps all our learning! Once you have recapped complete the Quiz set in your Purple Mash 2 Do’s. Really concentrate so Mrs Hotchkiss can see if you are blue expected (good all round knowledge) or gold - greater depth thinking!

Take care! Email if you need me Mrs H xxx